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~Pregnancy Countdown: 10 Weeks (2 1/2 months)~

Now, normally the office days at work aren't stressful for Luz Noceda. She goes in, she does the paperwork, she goes home to her wife. But today, there was struggle. The sounds of arguing in the back room of the office. And Luz knew exactly what the argument was about.

There, right across from her, sits her new coworker, Alexa. The girl with light green eyes and hot pink streaks in her brown hair sits there boredly until she notices Luz glancing at her. She smirks and leans forward. "Why hello there~" she says in a flirtatious manner.

After 8 years, Luz was able to pick up on when others would flirt with her. Usually, people knew she was with Amity and wouldn't bother. But there were always the really audacious ones who would hit on her anyway.

"Um, hi..." Luz says, not at all trying to hide her discomfort. Without thinking, she starts playing with her wedding band. But despite watching the human's hands, Alexa doesn't seem to get the hint. "So, do you come here often?"

Luz shrugs. "Only when I have work." she says, trying to avoid more interaction than she needs. But Alexa only leans closer. "Well, I hope you won't mind showing me the ropes around here."

Luz's savior, in the form of a bad-but-sad boi, walked in with his Palisman on his shoulder., immediately catching the Latina's attention. Luz quickly gets up and runs to him, tackling him in a hug. "Hunter!"

The two fall to the ground, laughing. Hunter struggles to stand up with Luz sprawled on top of him. "Get up! You're heavy!" He groans. Luz pouts, crossing her arms. "No!"

"Luz!" Hunter whines, kicking his feet. "Get off me!" Luz laughs evilly. "Never!" she exclaims. The two begin play-wrestling, mainly for Hunter to finally escape from the human's entrapment. Luz quickly takes the opportunity to stand up on a chair and jump onto Hunter's back, which makes him fall once again.

The two continue their play fighting, but Luz feels the burning stare of the other girl in the room. And while she tries to ignore it for the sake of having fun with her brother-in-law, Hunter also notices Alexa.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" He asks Alexa, who purses her lips. "Hm, no problem." she says. "Okay, then why are you looking at us like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you've got a tree branch wedged up your ass."

Luz desperately fights the urge to laugh, watching Alexa's devious smirk turn into an angry frown.

"See, he's already doing fine!" A voice says from the back. The three turn their heads and find Lillie and Darius standing in the doorway, watching them. Darius crosses his arms. "Fine? He just insulted a coworker!"

"First," Lillie starts, holding up a finger, "I'd hardly call her a coworker since she technically hasn't started yet. Second, I can still smell the stink eye she was giving him. Third, he's not entirely wrong." she finishes. Alexa gives her a glare.

"Excuse you?"

"I'm excused."

Alexa huffs. "You're so lucky that you're technically going to be my boss."

"You're so lucky that I tEcHnIcAlLy can't fire you right now, because I totally would." Lillie says. Trying to avoid an argument continuing, Darius and Alexa both choose to leave. Luz and Hunter both look at Lillie. "What did you mean by 'you can't fire her'?" Hunter asks. Lillie sighs, taking a seat at the table. "New rule from your dad. I didn't hire her, so I can't fire her."

"What? But your job is to make sure everyone gets along." Luz says. "If she doesn't get along with anyone here, that rule prevents you from doing your job!" she argues. Lillie nods. "Yup! I'm aware!"

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