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~Pregnancy Countdown: 12 Weeks (3 months)~

Luz and Amity spend their day off at home, relaxing on the couch. The two thought back on their lives the past few months. Their relationship felt secure. They had a baby on the way. They were happy. Everything was good.

... Which naturally means it's time to get kicked in the throat.

When an aggressive knock on the front door pulls the couple out of their conversation, Luz groans. "Darn it! I just got comfortable." she complains. Amity giggles. "Do you want me to answer the door?" she asks, already moving to sit up. Luz moves with her. "Will Baby let you?"

"Baby can deal with it." Amity says, standing up. Luz watches her with concern as Amity makes her way to the door.

And the witch on the other side made them both regret ever even considering opening the door.

"Mittens!" Odalia exclaims. "It's about time you opened the door. I spent far too long waiting." She forces her way past Amity and into the house. Amity stumbles a bit, and Luz rushes over to keep her from falling.

"Why don't you come in?" Luz says sarcastically, shutting the door. Odalia ignores her and looks around the living room. "These decorations! So... mediocre."

Luz scoffs slightly. "Is she serious right now?"

Amity shrugs, barely able to keep up with her mother, who had now moved to the kitchen. Luz and Amity follow, just to see Odalia rummaging through their fridge. "All this food is terribly unhealthy! Imagine the damage this could do to your baby!"

Odalia had only been there for a few minutes, and the girls were already tired of her.

"Does coming into our home and criticizing our decisions make you feel better about your sad, single life?" Luz asks, crossing her arms. "It actually does." Odalia answers with a coy smile.

"What do you want, Mother? We're busy." Amity says, hopeful that her mother would get the hint. However, Odalia ignores this obvious attempt to make her feel like a burden. "Well, since you chose to hide your pregnancy from me, I figured you must need my help."

The mere thought makes the girls shiver. "No thanks. I'd rather take advice from a pack of rabid wolves."

Odalia rolls her eyes. "Your sarcasm is unwarranted. Now, what do you call those clothes?"

Amity looks down at the pajamas she put on that morning. Definitely cozy, even if a little small around the stomach area, but nothing too bad.

"My comfort clothes...? What's wrong with them?" Amity asks. Mistake number one.

"Do you really think those are appropriate for a pregnant woman?"

"You can talk to her about appropriate when you decide to wait until she actually invites you into her home." Luz snaps. Odalia directs her attention at the human. "Hush, brat."

"Don't you talk to my wife like that!" Amity snaps. Odalia ignores them both and goes into the living room. Luz and Amity follow her, and panic when she makes her way into the hallway. One-by-one, Odalia starts opening doors to random rooms. And then, she hits them with the hard question.

"What are you planning to do for the nursery?"

Something in Luz's brain chemistry completely changed. The very small voice telling her to be nice was completely muted now.

"You know what? I'm not doing this today." Luz says, walking away and into the bedroom. Amity watches her wife stomp off before turning towards her mother. "Mother, you need to leave." She says as calmly as possible. Odalia scoffs in offense. "How dare you?! I am only trying to help you properly parent a child!" She exclaims, as if that statement had any amount of credibility coming out of her mouth.

"Why would I, as a new parent, want parenting advice from you?" Amity asks, with genuine sass and the tiniest bit of sincerity. Odalia puts a hand over her chest, as if she has never heard such blasphemy. "I have more parenting experience than you give me credit for! Do you forget that I have three children?"

"You won't let me forget! I get it, okay?! You have three adult children, but none of them like you! Unlike you, I care about my child. So excuse me if I don't want advice from a shotty mother who ruined her relationship with her family and ended up alone!" Amity snaps, any and all filter she had completely dissipating. She takes a deep breath trying to keep her blood pressure from spiking out of anger. "Now... please leave."

Odalia stammers a bit, trying to come up with a defense. However, Amity wasn't having that. "Out! Now!"

With some ushering and a slam, Odalia was out the door.

'Now, to check on my wife.' Amity thinks to herself, heading to the bedroom. She slowly opens the door and peeks her head inside, finding Luz laying in bed with the blanket over her. So, Amity heads to the other side and lays next to the latina. "Hola Batata." She says softly. Luz turns around to face her. "Bonjour..."

"So good news:I kicked her out. Bad news: I kind of feel guilty for what I said to her." Amity says, but Luz shakes her head. "You shouldn't. Yes, she may have been trying to help, but she was going about it the wrong way. And she really needed to take the 'no' while it was still an offer." Luz says, reassuring Amity.

"She did bring up a good point though." Amity says. "What are we going to do about the nursery?" she asks. Luz stops and thinks. "Huh. I don't know. I mean we still have time to think it over and find something we both like. I completely forgot we had to do that too."

Amity thinks. "We'll worry about that on our next joint day off. Right now, I feel like I just wrestled a rabid ratworm. I need a nap." She says, wrapping her arms around Luz. Luz does the same, kissing her forehead. "You go ahead. I'll probably stay up for a bit."

Amity nods, nuzzling her face into her wife's chest. "I love you."

Luz smiles, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "I love you too."

Amity falls asleep quickly, feeling safe in her wife's embrace.

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