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~Pregnancy Countdown: 18 Weeks (4 ½ months)~

Another Office Day at CATs HQ. Luz noticed a spike in the number of days they spend in the office instead of patrolling, and she knew exactly why.

Alexa. The girl who works one day a week for three hours and doesn't do any work. And when she does, she's always completely behind the rest of the office team. And when this happens, the field team has to take a day to catch her up.

These days happen to be the only days she actually works.

Luz is pulled from her focus when an alarm goes off on Alexa's scroll. Alexa turns off the alarm and gets up from her seat. "That's the end of my shift. Bye~" She says in a sing-song voice. She then stops at Luz, leaving a tender kiss on the Latina's cheek. "Bye Luzy~"

The phrase 'Straw that broke the camel's back' is a metaphor which refers to the last in a series of unfortunate events that will leave a person irritated or very angry. It is often used to describe an event that leaves someone unable to continue tolerating a particular situation.

For Luz Noceda, that kiss was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Okay, I'm going to ask this as nicely as I can: what the hell was that?" Luz says, looking up at Alexa with no cares to give.

Alexa just gives her a puzzled look. "Hm? What's the matter? I can't give my work wife a quick kiss before I go?"

And the straws just pile on.

"You AREN'T my 'work wife'!" Luz starts, getting visibly more angry. "I have an ACTUAL wife at home, who I happen to love very much."

Alexa opens her mouth to speak, but Luz cuts her off. "Don't even try to say that you're just being friendly. Because you've been hitting on me since you started working here, and I'm officially over it. I have someone already, and she's a million times better than you'll ever be. You're not it for me, so do everyone here a favor and get. A. CLUE!"


Lillie and Hunter sit there, trying to hold in their laughter at Alexa's flabbergasted expression. Alexa's lip starts to quiver, and she runs out of the office sobbing. At this, Lillie bursts out laughing to the point where her chair falls backwards. Hunter rushes to her side.

"Are you alright?!" He asks, helping his boss up. Lillie nods. "I'm fine. My head barely hit the floor. I've done worse getting out of bed."

Luz takes a deep breath, returning to her chair and watching her two co-workers. "Did you at least enjoy the show?" She asks Lillie, a small smile forming on her face.

"Absolutely! You know watching girls like her ugly cry is one of my favorite things to do." Lillie replies, fixing her chair before situating herself. "And watching her ugly cry is just icing on the metaphorical cake."

"Man, cake sounds good right now." Hunter says, going back to his chair. "Why don't you go get some then?" Luz asks. Hunter looks at the boss. "Can I?"

"Only if you get some for us." Lillie says, leaning back in her chair yet again.

"What, are we celebrating?" Hunter asks, standing up to get his jacket. Lillie nods. "Yeah. We're one step closer to getting rid of that stupid witch-with-a-B."

Luz raises a brow. "Heh?"

"I talked to BB about it the other day." Lillie starts. "That's Big Boss." She says, noticing Hunter's confused expression. "They said that if we can get three separate complaints about her, I can fire her."

Luz perks up. "How many do we have?" She asks. "Well the entire office team's counts as one, since they all have the same problem with her. Hunter's is another, yours makes three." Lillie hands Luz a sheet of paper.

"Any cake preferences, Ladies?" Hunter asks, getting ready to walk out the door. "Whipped cream instead of icing." Lillie answers quickly. Luz shrugs. "I'm fine with whatever."

Hunter nods and heads out with Flapjack following close behind. Luz begins writing on the sheet of paper handed to her. "So what happens with Darius when you fire Alexa."

Lillie thinks. "If he decides to complain about it, then Big B has to get involved again. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that."

Luz nods. "And if it does?"

"Then there's going to be lots of yelling."

Luz chuckles. "Man, I can't believe she did that." She says. "Like, I've been trying to drop hints that I'm already with someone. Playing with my wedding band, talking to Hunter about her, and even texting Ams while I'm heeeeeeeere..." Luz starts to trail off, realizing that she was admitting to not doing work.

Lillie shrugs. "I'll pretend I never heard that."

Luz lets out a sigh of relief.

"So, she's either completely clueless, or she's-"

"A wannabe homewrecker?"

Luz thinks about it, before nodding. "Yeah, basically."

"That's the funny part. She's only worked here for..." Lillie trails off, counting on her finger. "About 2 months, and she thinks she'll just take over your love life. But you and Amity have a deeper connection than that, and it won't be ruined by a stupid girl who doesn't know when to quit."

Luz nods. "And maybe this is just my bias, but Amity is a million times the girl Alexa will ever be."

"Nah, it's not just you." Lillie says, stabbing a nearby eraser with a pencil. "I'm pretty sure Amity could beat her up if she wasn't pregnant."

"Amity could still beat her up, she would just choose not to."

They both laugh.

"Now, I don't like Alexa but I really hope she and Amity never meet." Lillie says, coloring on the hole-y eraser.

"You and me both." Luz replies.

Sooner or later (like 2 hours or so), Hunter returns with a white box. Flapjack flies off of his shoulder to perch on the eraser that had been assaulted by a writing utensil.

"I come bearing cake." He says, setting the box on top of the table. The two women perk up as Hunter opens the box, revealing the cake he had promised.

"Chocolate cake with whipped cream and chocolate-covered strawberries." He says with a proud grin. The two girls eye the cake.

"YOU, good sir, are a titan-send." Lillie says. Luz runs into the backroom. "Hey Lil, We've got cutting knives and stuff back here, right?" She yells.

"Yup, they should be on the desk!" Lillie shouts back. Luz spots the paper plates and stuff on the desk. She picks up a few plates, some plastic forks, and the Knife before preparing to rush back out.

"Luz, don't even think about running with that knife!" Lillie yells to her. Luz pouts, walking out of the back room at a normal pace.

Setting the materials down on the table, Luz returns to her chair, bouncing excitedly. Hunter takes the knife and starts to cut the cake making sure there was a strawberry on each slice. Once the cake is cut, he gives a piece to Luz, then to Lillie, then takes one for himself. The three of them dig in, their taste buds being instantly overwhelmed by deliciousness.

"This is the singular best cake I've ever had." Lillie says. Luz nods. "I need to get one of these for Ami."

"The bakery I went to does Pensta orders." Hunter says, eating his piece of cake while flapjack pecks at a plain strawberry.

Luz quickly pulls out her scroll, spending the next few minutes typing away. "Great." She says, earning the other's attention. "I have an order to be picked up after my shift ends."

"You're about to get some epic brownie points with your wife." Lillie says. Luz nods. "Especially since she loves chocolate-covered strawberries."

While the group enjoys the cake together, the nearby paperwork lays in wait for them.

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