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Hi! Me again! I have decided to fall into something like a Persephone Hades backstory sort of.

A long, long, long time ago

Lorelai Alden was running. Running for her life from men who wished her harm. Men from another village, one at war with hers. What did they want with her? No one really know. She was just a poor farmer's daughter. But the men of Redwood had been grabbing women from Riverlynn, like her and destroying their purity, and their lives.

They had been advised to stay indoors now, it wasn't safe but her mother had died from the sickness passing through the village and her Papa, and her Nana and her dear old Pops and darling George, her darling little brother George were so close to death as well, she had to help them.

She knew where there were herbs in the forest that would save them. She had to risk it, for them. And she would now be destroyed for her selflessness. Running through the thick dark woods, she looked up and saw the huge, beautiful, so, so bright moon and she prayed that if there was anyone, anything, any spiritual figure out there, to please offer her a hand of guidance.

She reached a small lake, so dark and blue and beautiful. What? There weren't any bodies of water in the woods that she knew of. Where in God's name was she?!

With nowhere else to go, she dived into the water, to swim to the other side

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With nowhere else to go, she dived into the water, to swim to the other side. But halfway through, she feels something prick her arm, painfully, so painfully that her entire body contorts in pain. She looks down, there's an arrow in her arm. She then hears the sound of more arrows being let loose and then, everything went black.

When she awoke, she was under the water. All around her was darkness. And the moon. So unusually big, and so bright. She no longer felt alone.

She felt the moon draw her from the water, with a gentle touch. It raised her high, into the air, before she felt it's touch withdraw, leaving her alone in the air. She gasped and glanced behind her. Behind her were a pair of beautiful black feathered wings.

She flew down to the side of the lake and glanced at her reflection. Her face was paler, her lips redder. Her eyes had changed from their dark brown to a pale, silver blue-green. Her hair was no longer reddish brown, now loose dark curls covered her head, with a single strand in the front bone white. On top of her dark curls, a crown of red and black roses adorned her head, alongside a black crown. She was dressed in a long black dress, covered in a black cloak.

A scythe appeared in her hand. It was beautiful, it's handle a lovely dark brown, the blade a black metal. She reached up to stroke her hand down the blade, and as she did so, she gasped as she felt her appearance change.

She looked down again. She no longer looked human. She was a skeleton, black and white, the only color the roses in her hair and her red pupils. She stroked the blade again, and her human skin reappeared. She stroked it again, and the skin melted away, leaving an even more white skeletal hand behind. She swapped back and forth a couple times before remembering. George.

She ran, grabbing the herbs she needed and rushing back to her village. She gasped at what she saw. Above her village gates was the Redwood flag. She rushed up to a villager, one she didn't recognize and asked "Excuse me, but would you mind telling me where I am ma'am?".

The villager ignored Lorelai. She figured the woman was hard of hearing. "Excuse me!" she said louder, tapping her on her shoulder. And feeling nothing but her hand go through her.Pulling back she gasped. The woman then, picked up her bucket and walked right through her.

Lorelai felt shocked, sick, confused. They can't see me. WHY CAN'T THEY SEE ME?!

Stepping back in shock, she felt another go through her. She started running, around the village, running through people and feeling that gut wrenching feeling. She ran to the woods, reached a clearing. She felt like she could collapse, but she stood on a rock, gazing up at the moon. She then, heard it speak.

Lorelai Azrael. That is your name. But people will call you Grim Reaper.

"What happened, why can't they see me? Why does the Redwood flag fly above my village?"

You died. All in your village perished from the sickness. Riverlynn fell. Redwood villagers claimed the land. Do not seek vengeance on them, that was long ago, the people there are innocent.

"How can I take vengeance on a people who cannot see me?"

You will find out soon enough.

And then the moon left. It hid behind the clouds, leaving Lorelai alone. She began to run again, into the dark, thick wood. And when she stopped, did she fall to the ground and weep. Weep for George. Weep for Papa, and Nana, and Pops and Mother, and all the others in her village. Weep for a strength to carry her on, which she did not have. Weep for answers that the moon would not give her.

And then she heard him. "Oh my darling, why do you weep?"he asked. She looked up. A man of shadows and darkness. "I have lost everything." she told him. "So have I. Come with me and I can help you." he offered his hand and she took it. "What is your name, beautiful?" he asked. "Lorelai Azrael. And yours?". "Pitch Black."

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