Part 21- The Beginning Of A Storm

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Hello! Sorry for not posting for the past few days. I caught a cold and my brain cells decided to mainly invest in stopping that, leaving to temporarily experience problems and require a reboot. I also got a slight writers block. I feel better now and have an idea for how I want this part to go. Enjoy! :)

"So, yeah. That's about it." Lorelai finished. "I failed because I was a coward. I ran because I was foolish enough to be scared. And I'm the reason why Pitch is still alive. I'm the reason why the dark ages began. I'm the reason why there's still fear."

Jack grabbed her and pulled her into a hug before she could continue. She tensed up before accepting the gesture and returning the affection. It felt safe.

"You are the reason why the dark ages ended. You didn't fail. You won. You should never have to kill someone who you love or once loved. The moon never should have made you do it alone. Do you really think that Pitch could be killed?" he asked her.

"I don't know." was all that she could say. "I want to believe that he can. But I don't know."

"Thank you Frosty." she said. She let go of him and looked up at him. He looked back down at her. Blue eyes of ice stared into the grey green of a murky lake. Lorelai felt her breath catch.

The sound of banging outside the door could be heard. Someone bounding up the stairs. They immediately broke eye contact and pulled away. "Jack! Lorelai! Time to go!" North's voice called from outside the door.

"Oh, well then. I guess that we should go then, maybe." Jack said. "Yeah, hang on. You have to promise not to tell anyone what I just told you, not without my word." she looked at him, serious.

"Of course." he replied, raising his left hand in a sign of promise. "Good, now you go out the door, don't make any sign that you ever saw me." she said. "Uh, sure but why?" Jack asked.

"So they don't know we were together. I don't trust what assumptions they'll make. I've gone through two difficult conversations, I have a fair few that I need to have with the triplets in the future, I've dealt with too many nightmares today, and I don't want to have to come up with a viable excuse as to what you and I were doing in a room together alone, with sound preventing walls." she said.

"Alrighty then, so what are you gonna do?" Jack asked her.

"You'll see Frosty." she said, grinning. She gave him a wink before falling backwards, hitting a shadowed wall and going through it. Confused, Jack opened the door of the room where he'd heard the safeguarded past of the mysterious Death.

"Ah, there you are. Where have you been Jack?" North said, when he noticed the young guardian.

"Uh, nowhere really." he replied, trying to keep his face from showing how he still felt after hearing Lorelai's story. Be calm. Be emotionless. Don't let him know how you feel. He thought to himself. Is this what Lorelai thinks all the time? He wondered.

"Where is Lorelai?" North asked him. "Boo." Lorelai whispered, appearing behind North. "ARGH!" he cried, putting a hand to his chest, checking his heartbeat.

"How do you do that?!" he asked her, shocked. "Practice. There you are Frosty, I couldn't find you." she replied. "Ha, I guess I'm good at hiding." he replied, weakly. "Mmn, no. No you're not." she replied, the meaning correct however you looked at it.

"Alrighty then, I guess we're going now then. Let's get a move on it, like now." she said. "You're really ecstatic about getting us out of here, aren't you?" Jack noticed.

"Oh definitely. The sooner you're all off of my land of secrets, the less of a chance that you discover another big thing about my past that I didn't want you to know about." she replied, giving him a look of Stop it before you give it away.

She moved ahead of them, and began to walk down the stairs, when screams of terror filled the entire realm, followed by the terrifying sound of horse neighing and the cold laugh that they all dreaded. Pitch Black.

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