Part 26- He Was Married?

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The guardians watched the dome trap them out and trap Lorelai inside. "What do we do now?" Tooth wondered aloud.

"I dunno. She's there and we're out here. How do we help her?" North replied. Bunny threw his boomerang at the wall, creating not even a dent.

"I think that she's on her own now, no matter what we want to do."

"Get away from me. Go ahead and say what you want to say, but say it from six feet away." Lorelai's voice could be heard all around them.

"What?" Bunny said, confused.

"I guess we can hear what they say." Jack said as he launched an ice blast at the dome, in a feeble attempt to break it.

"Well, I must say, I am very glad to have found where you've been hiding from me for the past one thousand years. It certainly is an upgrade, finer than our old home, but you were always particular about those things." Pitch spoke.

"Get out of my home Pitch Black. Go back to the hell hole you came from." Lorelai snapped back.

"Oh, not happy to see me darling? It is too much to ask, I suppose. Why, it's only the second time you've seen your husband in one thousand years." Pitch chuckled.

"What?" Bunny said.

"Oh no." Jack whispered under his breath.

"Ex husband. I left you." Lorelai shoot back.

"Pitch was married?" North said exasperated. "To Lorelai ?!"

Bunny stood there, confused. No words came from his mouth as he processed this new information. Jack found it strange how he, who had judged and believed that Lorelai had once been in alliance with Pitch, who still believed her to be in alliance with Pitch, was lost for words at learning that she'd once been with the man of darkness.

"Oh, really. I never quite realized that. You know that most people nowadays just walk up to their spouse and tell them that they want a divorce. You tried to end my life."

"Was that not obvious enough? What? Did you want a giant sign? I don't love you anymore and I'm going to kill you because you're evil? Do tell me, what more could I have done for it to process in your bigoted brain that I hate you?" Lorelai's sarcasm shone through heavily as she spoke.

"A conversation perhaps?" Pitch suggested.

"Actions speak louder than words." Lorelai replied.

"Why yes, I would agree. Your actions spoke to me, loud and clear. They also broke me. But in time, I have accepted your mistake. You surely did not want to harm me, it was of their influence, the Guardians and the Moon. In time, I have accepted your apology." Pitch paused as he spoke.

The guardians stood there, silent as they waited to hear Lorelai's response.

"Apology? What apology? Who said I wanted to apologize?" Lorelai asked him.

"The one that you've surely wanted to give me. The one that says that you regret what you did and still love me." he said.

"That apology is in existent. I stopped loving you years before that night. I would have done what I did if the moon had never spoken to me, I would have done that if the moon didn't even exist, if there was nothing in the night sky, I would have done it. My only regret is that I didn't succeed. My only regret is that you lived to this day." she spoke through gritted teeth.

"I'd disagree. I saw you hesitate when you had me on the ground at your mercy. One simply does not fall out of love with no reason. And..." Pitch's voice died down, too quiet for them to hear.

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