Part 31- Last Wishes

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"I...I didn't summon you." Min said startled. Everything was so confusing. She had not summoned the warriors, she had simply thought of her family and how she would soon join them.

Lorelai, was just as confused as she; it rolled off of her in a soft glow that Min could feel behind her. The same confused light came from the Guardians' lights.

"But you did. You released us from our cage. You released us from her," Elizabella said bitterly, throwing an angry glance at Lorelai. "So we freed you as you freed us. A debt for a debt. But the debt is paid and we leave now. To join our master."

"What master? Do you mean Pitch? He has no claim on-," Lorelai spoke up.

"On your warriors? Your servants? That is all you thought of us, soldiers to help with your yoke," Elizabella interrupted her.

"No. Nonono! I never thought that of you. You were my friends, the people whom I would lay my life down for. To each and every one of you, I owe a great debt," Lorelai said, quickly.

Min could see her heartbreak shining through at realizing that her friends may think of her in this way. She wished she could send Lorelai a spark of comfort through her soul light, but she'd learnt long ago that Lorelai's soul-sight was somewhat weaker than hers and would not feel it.

"Then repay it. Let us leave, and return to our true master," Elizabella replied, moving forward, other ancient ones, exiting the walls behind her. Min stood there, speechless and frozen, staring at the wall as other warriors exited.

"No way, not going to happen," one of the guardians said behind her, Jack she believed he was called. Or was it Sandy? Whichever one of them that could talk.

Elizabella laughed a cold high laugh, nothing like her own. If Min was not certain that this thing was not her Elizabella, she now was. "And what will you do? What power do you have to stop us?"

"Our power is greater than Pitch's could ever be," another guardian said, the large rabbit with an Australian accent. Min did not know when, but she had somehow turned around to see the guardians with their weapons raised.

"Oh really?" Elizabella said, amused, before disappearing.

"Hello," she reappeared behind the rabbit, smiling with a mouth full of daggers. She flew through the boy with the blue hoodie at record speed. She stood hovering in front of the large man with the long white beard. He raised his sword and sliced through her, his sword doing as much to her as it would do to air.

"Go ahead. Strike me down," she taunted, giggling with wicked glee.

"But wait. You can't. I hold just a fraction of my master's power, and yet, I am indestructible. But you, however are not. In particular, you-" she turned to look at Lorelai who stood a little ways apart from the Guardians, weaponless, "Lorelai," she finished and began to advance toward the Grim Reaper, who made no move to defend herself from the approaching ghost.

Min however, did.

No. Was all she could think. She stood, in front of Lorelai, protecting her.

"Min, move out of my way, and my master will give you mercy," Elizabella said, her sword raised.

"No. If you wish to strike down Lorelai, you shall have to strike me down first, for I am a warrior of the dead. And I will fight to protect, not my master, but my leader. I do not want mercy. I did not fear Death herself, why should I fear YOU?!" Min answered, standing her ground.

Elizabella smiled, sinisterly. "Because of this-" she struck down her blade, only for it to freeze an inch above Min.

"What? What is this?" she cried in anger.

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