Part 27- No One Hurts My Child

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Lorelai sat against the wall after refusing Pitch's offer. She watched his eyes narrow as he planned his next move. Clearly, he hadn't planned for her to refuse.

"Well then, if you aren't with me then you're against me. And those who are against me will not be spared. I believe that I will start with you. Say goodnight Lorelai." Pitch raised a sword made of black sand, the sick smile on his face showing no pity. Lorelai just stared back at him, she would not die cowering, she would not run from death. She would not fear death. Not fear herself.

"I'd disagree with that. Step away from my mother." she heard Melinoe say. Pitch disappeared, moving to the other side of the dome in a gush of wind, revealing her beloved daughter, blade in hand, the tip where Pitch had stood. Mel turned around, to face Pitch, her back to her mother whom she was protecting.

"Oh no. Mel, get away." Lorelai said, fear for her daughter filling her insides, drowning her in its black horribleness.

"No mother, I will not." Melinoe said, voice cold and emotionless.

"Melinoe, get out of here. As your queen-" Lorelai began, struggling to her feet in pain.

"-And as your daughter, I will not leave you." Melinoe interrupted.

"Well well well. How very interesting. A child. Do tell me girl, do you know who I am?" Pitch's face showed the shock of this new information which faded as he spoke.

"Yes, I know who you are. You are my father. And I'm not afraid of you." Melinoe replied before she moved forward in a quick attack, jumping high and striking him down from above. He moved with his lightning quick speed, leaving the girl to strike thin air as she rolled and landed on her feet, turning to face him again.

She moved again, swiping at his feet but he moved before she hit anything.

Pitch made the move this time, sending a wave of black sand towards her, which she sliced through like butter. He began to send more magic towards her, which she deflected with either her sword, or her own magic.

His mistake came when he created a rope of black sand, which she grabbed and pulled, bringing Pitch forwards towards her. As he fell forwards, she slashed his torso as he fell. She moved away as she watched him get up.

He gasped. In pain or surprise, Lorelai couldn't tell. He got up, and touched his chest which now had a black slash across it. It, like his cheek did not bleed, it was just a black hole where he had once been.

Melinoe did not give him any time to comprehend what had happened, just launched herself at him again.

Lorelai struggled to her feet, she was in pain. She doubted that she'd have been able to get up, had her fear for her child not pushed her forward. She stood up, leaning against the wall, as she touched her stinging cheek, blood on her hand when she removed it. Why am I struggling to move? All I did was hit a wall? she thought.

She looked down at her hand which had begun to flare up in pain. Her fingertips were black, like burnt charcoal. She watched it spread, slowly. That's why. Oh great. She placed her other hand on top of it, blue magic coating the black hand. It slowly disappeared, fading away. The pain faded away.

She then placed both hands on her chest as she watched her daughter fight her father.

Melinoe attacked with a fury one could only describe as that of a warrior who has trained for decades to gain vengeance against one who ruined their life, swiping at his legs, jumping up to try to hit his chest again, slicing through the sand he sent her way like it was the air around her.

But Pitch now held an anger in him, having been sliced across his chest by a child. His sand came quicker and piled upon itself. Layer after layer until Melinoe was practically buried under all the sand. He used it to create chains which wrapped around her wrists and ankles, stopping the little fury from moving forward, though she fought back like a wild animal.

Lorelai watched as Pitch began to make a long rope of black sand, the whip she'd once seen him use on his nightmares a millennium ago. She knew what he was about to do.

The fear for her child increased and became more than just fear, it was a reality. With it however, came another thing, a pure burst of rage at the monster who dared to try to touch her child. It powered her forward.

Time seemed to slow as she moved. Pitch raised the whip behind his head as she rushed forward. As he lowered it, she raised her hand to block it. She grabbed it, sending green magic rocketing up it, up Pitch's arm. He jumped back in pain. The bindings holding Melinoe still disappeared, dropping her to the ground.

"Not my daughter. No one touches my children. And lives." she said as she pulled a dagger from her belt, turning it into a sword which she raised behind her head. The sound of glass shattering filled the room as millions of pieces of violet glass rained down on them.

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