Part 35- Wrong Door

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Lorelai stood there, speechless. He loves me? He LOVES me! What? Do I love him?!

"Please, say something," Jack said, looking down at her with concern.

"I-I-what-I don-I don't-I-I can't-I-what?" she stammered out. Yeah real graceful Lorelai she thought. Can't even form a sentence.

"I think-" she tried again. Say that you love him.

"LORELAI!!! DID YOU FIND JACK?" Bunny called out from nearby. Lorelai quickly took a step back from Jack.

"I think that we should head out," she said, walking away.


"Okay! Carry those boxes out by the gates. Yeah, we'll send the 7th cavalry up for first shift-" 

"My queen, the 7th cavalry doesn't want to be on the front lines again," someone said.

"What? Why not?"

"Something about not wanting to fight with a 3-1 ratio again. They also said that this time they'll rebel if they're forced to fight by themselves." Lorelai sighed loudly in frustration

"Of course not. Newfoundland regiment, d'you mind taking the first shift at the gates?" she asked.

"Of course not my queen. Do not worry, let's just say that us Canadians are used to dealing with whatever the Americans do not," a man in an almost impossible to understand Newfoundland accent said. Someone behind him nodded furiously and spoke rapid speed french that Lorelai did not catch.

"Uh huh, what Jean-Paul said," a third man replied sarcastically.

"Great. So we'll have the 7th, the 44th of Foot and the Swiss Guards on standby, with 66th of Foot and the Turkish 57th guarding the outskirts while the 10th of west Yorkshire surrounds the castle, does everyone agree?" Lorelai asked. One man raised his hand.

"Ma'am, there ain't no bloody way that you place the 44th of Foot on the sidelines. We looked, forgive me, death in the eye and was offered a chance to walk away and d'you know what we said? Not bloody likely. Now I know that meself and me men ain't afraid of some pompous prancing boogeyman," the man declared.

"You say that you aren't afraid of Pitch Black?" Min asked.

"Ma'am, the only thing that I was ever afraid of was me mother-in-law, and I just shared a lovely roast beef with her just last week," he replied.

"Then you may just be a braver man than all of us combined," Min answered.

"Alright. We'll send you Gryffindors to the lullaby caves, Pitch'll probably be after them, and your lack of fear'll be useful there," Lorelai said. 

"And remember; any sign of Pitch, you call it in and we'll send backup to. That's an order. I'm not having a repeat of the Ancients."

"Queen Lorelai! We need you over here!" someone called. Lorelai buzzed off quickly to aid someone else. She grabbed a box from a table, groaning from the weight. Someone quickly moved to aid her and she looked up to see Jack. She almost dropped the box in shock.

"I-I've got this, thanks, uh" she stammered out, taking the box back. She scolded herself for being so skittish as she placed the box on another table. 


Jack didn't know what had happened. He prayed that he hadn't messed things up too much. Min was staring back and forth between him and Lorelai. Her face was a mixture of confusion and anger.

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