Part 12- Welcome To The Gates Of Hades

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The reindeer began to go through the wall. That was when Lorelai raised her arm, shooting black magic towards them.

The sleigh came to a stop behind the wall, in the cave which Lorelai had expanded. She was the first to jump out, leaving the confused Guardians in the sleigh.

"Welcome to the Gates of Hades, I am your tour guide, Grim Reaper, we hope you enjoyed your near death experience, we tried our best with what we were given. Please continue after me in an orderly fashion as I lead you deeper into the underworld. We recommend that you listen to my instructions, for if you do not, we cannot assure that you will leave the same." she said, giving a little bow.

"We're not dead? But how?" North asked, confused.

"You're already dead genius." Lorelai responded, rolling her eyes.

"Why did you do that?" Bunny asked her, getting in her face, trying to intimidate her.

"To get into the underworld, you have to have had a recent realization that you are dead, or am going to die. That's why not everyone goes to the underworld. If you fear and refuse to believe that as your future, then you don't get that future. Instead you're stuck as a ghost for eternity, still tied to the living world."

"So to go to the dead world, we needed to accept that we were dead?" Tooth asked.


"Couldn't have given us a little warning, or I don't know TOLD US?!" Bunny yelled at her.

"Yup, if I told you, then you wouldn't have really accepted that. It can't be me telling someone to believe that they're dead, it has to be them realizing that. But honestly, you seriously thought that you were gonna die?" Lorelai asked them.

"Yeah, what were we supposed to think?" Jack asked.

"Alright, first off, my scythe wasn't in my hand. In order to die, it has to be by my scythe, or by another reaper, using my scythe's magic. Second off, you're already dead. You can't exactly die again. Only magic can snap you out of existence, and that's really powerful magic. So you could take almost any injury, and survive it. It might hurt a lot, but you'd still be.... alive? I guess. What would you use to describe yourself? Cause we're not alive-"

"Here?" Tooth suggested.

"Yeah, sure. That works, so anyways. Let's go."

"Don't lie to me, the main reason was to see our faces of terror. You enjoyed watching us think we were gonna die too much." Jack whispered to her as she began to lead them down the winding stairs to the gates.

"Not the main reason, but a nice added bonus." she whispered back.

"Oh, yeah and remember when I said that you have to listen to everything I say, or you might not leave the same?" Lorelai remembered, turning around to face them.

"Er. Not really." North said.

"Yeah, I mean that, so talk quietly, watch your step, do exactly what I do; I've got some booby traps on these steps, and try not to piss me off. If you do the last one, good luck. You won't be making it out at all." Lorelai said, giving them her poisoned sugar smile before turning around and continuing down the stairs.

"She scares me a lot of the time, is that just me?" Bunny whispered to them.

"She scares me all the time." Jack responded.

"Why thank you Frosty. You guys really need to learn how to whisper though, you'll wake the dead." Lorelai turned around, to smile at him.


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