Part 40- I know PLUS A/N

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Hecate, and Nyx were lost in the forest.

They'd followed Melinoe when she'd suddenly jumped out of the sleigh and run off into the woods while North and Bunny had been delivering presents.

They had yet to find her.

It had been at least half an hour.

"This place wasn't as big and scary when we'd flown over it," Nyx whispered. She was shaking, from both the cold and her fear. Hecate had wrapped her in both their cloaks, but they hadn't done much to stop her quivering.


She kept walking, when she heard someone whisper her name.

"Nyx, did you say something?" she turned around to look at her sister, but she was gone.

"Oh no," she whispered as she ran back the way she came, calling Nyx's name now. She never should have brought her along.

Hecate frowned. She wanted to cry or hit something so instead she kicked up snow. And then she stopped as she tried to steady her breathing. And she heard a faint cry.

She rushed off in that direction.

Ahead of her was a clearing. She stopped and hid in the bushes and watched the boogeyman drag her sister away into the shadows as she screamed and cried. Her father. Scaring her sister. Fiery red hot anger pulsed through her at the sight. How dare he! She lunged forward, but they vanished into the shadows before she could jump at him.


Cassidy leaned against the outside of The Luckless, bored out of her head. One might assume that it was because of her surroundings. The Luckless was a dirty, dingy, red-brick club currently located in New York with grimy windows and a suspicious scent. The sign looked like it hadn't been washed in over twenty years (even though Brad swore that he'd done it last week when she'd told him to) and there was a pile of vomit beside the door. It looked like a slightly nefarious bar where one may go after being kicked out of several others, but either way, not too special, not too different. Someone walking by may be surprised by the long line of people trailing by the door, but they'd likely excuse it for something perfectly normal and keep walking or join the line.

"Cassidy are you paying attention?" Conrad asked.

"Obviously Thad,"

"It's Conrad," Cassidy knew this but there were a concerning number of followers of Karma whose names ended in 'ad' so Cassidy had a running joke with them where she called them by everything but their own names. Except for Tad, since he was the only decent human being.

But that wasn't why Cassidy was in a foul mood (though she could do without the smell). She knew that this place could look however they needed it to and be wherever they needed it to be; be it Vegas or Dublin it did not matter, for she'd been the person who'd built it brick by brick. She knew it as a close-knit community where Karma and their followers spun fate and told stories. She knew it as the magic that drew the great crowds outside; as the place where people's lives changed, for better or for worse. She knew it as it was; the closest thing to a home for her.

"You sure? You aren't saying much,"

"Ninety five percent of these people aren't a problem, do you want me to tell each and every one of them that they can come in?"

It was that fact that she was not inside it, but outside, scanning people for whatever reason she could not remember(which is strange as she was likely the one who'd suggested it). But the club tended to gather a strange crowd and someone with soulsight was needed to weed out the even worse eggs among the bad ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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