Part 38- Meaningful discussions

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Time skip because I'm lazy.

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the Pole

Everyone was panicking

Because Bunny lost the coal

Lorelai thought as she rushed about searching for the lost punishments. They'd been hard at work for days, getting prepared for Christmas. She'd, of course, had stepped out a few times to keep up her work, and to remove the dream dagger. The rest of her time was spent checking North's list and marking off the names of children who wouldn't have another christmas, be it because they'd die, or their family would. All the while, she kept a close eye on her children. She'd been so busy that she hadn't had a chance to explain to Jack what had happened with Life. But tonight they were delivering presents together so they had plenty of time to talk it over.

Everything had seemed to be looking up. So, of course something had to go wrong.

"Did you check in the sleigh?" someone called out.

"Yes, I checked it four bloody times already!" Bunny yelled back. Lorelai sighed and kept digging through the big red bags. At one point she fell in.

"Not again!" she sighed. Jack, who noticed and promptly rushed over to her aid.

"Thank you Frosty," she grinned at him and ruffled his hair. He blushed slightly.

"What are you guys looking for?" Hecate asked them, making Lorelai jump.

"Uh, coal honey, why?" Lorelai replied.

"Oh, it's up there-" she pointed up, toward the attic. Jack jumped out of the mess of bags and scrambled up the ladder to go check.

"Okay, how do you know that and why didn't you say anything?" she asked.

"Got it!" Jack called. 

"The bunny left them on the elevator lift. Melinoe was playing around with the gears, trying to get it to go up. She got it to work, but she didn't see the stuff on top. When she tried to bring it down, she accidentally hit the slope button that pushed the stuff off of the platform and onto the attic floor." Hecate replied.

"Okay, when was this?" she asked her daughter.

"A few hours ago."

"And why didn't you say anything sooner?" 

"Nobody asked me," she smiled as if that was a perfectly logical reason.


The group was separating tonight. Jack and Lorelai would be working together, Sandy and Tooth, and North and Bunny, who would also be taking the triplets. They'd meet up at least once on each continent, just to check on each other.

Lorelai hugged each of her children.

"See you later," she whispered.

And then they were off.


"So, um... I have questions," Jack said as they flew. Lorelai chuckled.

"Yeah, I bet you do,"

"Okay, what happened between you and Life, who were all those random people and do you know every spirit?"

"Okay, to answer your second and third questions, they were different spirits, my friends, and no, I don't know every spirit, most of the old ones, and the big important ones as well. There are tens (what is the double digit version of hundreds and thousands? Hundreds of ___ sounds grammatically correct, but tens of ___ doesn't. Send help.) of spirits, maybe hundreds. And to answer your first question; it's a long story," she replied. 

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