Part 22- Fighting Shadows

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Lorelai gasped. No no no. Please not be what I think it is. she thought. She heard a crash and more screams. She began to run, toward the cries of terror. North and Jack followed suit.

Running down stairs and hallways, she met nightmares running wild in her home, many attacking poor souls and reapers, fighting back as ruthless as she. She slew the ones attacking the souls who couldn't defend themselves as she passed and made sure the reapers didn't need help in their defense before continuing down the hallways.

When she passed Min, slicing through nightmares like butter with her katana she stopped to exchange a few short words.

"Lorelai! What in Hades is going on?" Min asked her.

"We're under attack. By Pitch. Listen Min, I need you to find the girls. Get them hidden and safe. Then come find me. I'll need your backup." Lorelai replied quickly, panic for her children showing in her voice.

"On it. Chang! Find!" Min obeyed, commanding her raven who immediately flew off her shoulder, off after the princesses. Min followed, slicing through the sandy horses as she ran. Lorelai did not even give her a second glance before speeding off.

Meeting Asha she stopped again.

"My Queen, we're under attack!" she yelled.

"I know. Asha, evacuate all the souls. If you meet any reapers, get them to help. Once everyone is out, come and help me. And bring the sleeping warriors with the reapers when you come. Min's getting the princesses to safety. Go!" she spoke as she walked backwards to face Asha, before turning around and toward the sounds of chaos.

She reached the 1st floor and ran down the hallways to the largest room in the castle, the ballroom. Yanking open the doors, she ran inside, to chaos. If the hallways were full of nightmares, then here was overflowing.

The reapers inside here were fighting against the endless darkness and were slowly losing. Lorelai destroyed the nightmares that crossed her path as she rushed to a spot in the catacomb skull wall where there was a blue glowing orb.

Stabbing a dagger into it, she summoned some of her ancient resting army. "Come forth my soldiers! Come forth and help in the fight!" she commanded as the spirits emerged from their skulls and raised their weapons to fight against the darkness.


Running after Lorelai, North and Jack were shocked at the number of nightmares in the castle. "How are there so many?" Jack asked. "I do not know Jack. But this is bad. Very bad." North replied.

As they rushed after Lorelai, they soon reunited with Bunny, Sandy and Tooth. "Where's Lorelai?" Bunny asked.

"I dunno. She ran off when she heard the screams." Jack replied.

"Where the bloody hell is she then?" he answered, throwing his boomerang.

An african woman with two swords drawn rushed up to them, destroying nightmares as she ran. "Why are you all still here? The queen has ordered us to exacuate." she asked them.

"Who? And who are you?" Bunny asked.

"Who? THE QUEEN! The one who commands the underworld. And I'm her second hand woman. Don't play dumb, this is serious, she'll need help with this invasion and I have to get everyone out before I help her." she looked at Bunny, annoyance and stress on her face.

"Yeah, we're not from here. We're guests of Lorelai." Bunny responded.

"THAT'S THE QUEEN YOU IDIOT!" she yelled at him.

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