Part 30- Min's Story

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Hi! So... this chapter kind of goes off topic. I'm writing this story as I go along, following trains of thought and let's just say that the way I'd been going kind of took me to a dead end. This chapter went into Min's backstory, as well as the backstory for the 'Ancient Warriors', Pitch and Lorelai. This chapter is like ten chapters in length because I didn't want to cut it, since it was all backstory. This was not intentional and is probably not going to happen again. Enjoy!

Edit 2: Hi! This is me from the future. This is basically a TLDR if you guys don't want to read 50 google doc pages of backstory on a side character(yes, I checked, Arial, size 11, 48 pages). So here's the basics of this chapter.

"Mei." Mei's father said. The young woman looked up from the weaving her sisters, stepmother and aunts were doing.

"Yes Father?" Mei asked.

"Come here child, there is someone I want you to meet." her father turned and walked out of the room. Mei got up and followed her father to the outside of her small home. Outside she saw her father conversing with an older man and a younger one, around twenty, who held a permanent smug expression which made him look like a pig.

"Ah! May I present my daughter, Xhang Mei." her father announced, gesturing at Mei. Mei bowed her head out of respect and shyness. 

"Mei, this is General Xing and his son." her father told her.

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir. What brings you to our humble home?" Mei said.

"You." the general responded.

"Me?" Mei looked up from the floor.

"Yes, you. You see, my son was riding through this village not so long ago and spotted a girl of great beauty. We have been looking for a bride for him and when he returned to say that he'd found a bride, well, I just had to go out and meet this girl. Well, Xiu. Is this the girl you wish to marry?" the general explained.

"Yes father. She will be my bride." the man replied, his voice as piggy as his face.

"Perfect. She is clearly of marrying age, perhaps somewhat past it." the general declared.

"Yes sir, she is sixteen." her father said.

"Well, we'll come by to pick you up within a week's time." the general bid his goodbyes before leaving with his son.


Mei lay in her bed, fever burning her to ashes. Every breath sounded as if it were her last. She heard her father in the other room. 

"She grew ill a few days after you came by. She's not likely to make it through the night. If you still wish for a bride, I have another daughter, Jing, who is twelve. She is just as beautiful as Mei." her father said. 

"Yes, she will do. Such a pity. Mei was so beautiful, but what can you expect from a girl named beauty?" the general answered.

Mei opened her eyes to see a monstrous being standing at the foot of her bed. The creature's face was a bone white skull. Long black hair grew from it. Her eyes were red holes in her head. She was covered in black cloth and in her skeleton hand, she held a strange weapon with a curved blade. It was unlike anything Mei had ever seen before. 

If anyone in her family were to walk into her bedroom and see the creature, they'd likely run from fear. But Mei just stared at the being. She was not scared of it. She did not care. Better Death take her than a life full of misery.

"Strange." the monster said. It picked up Mei's hand with its skeleton one. Mei didn't flinch away, she just let the thing hold her hand. It dropped it after a second.

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