Part 19- Yes It Is True

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Lorelai walked the Guardians to the kitchens, before heading back to go find Jack. She hummed as she went looking for him. Things seemed to be looking up.

They had a new dream machine up and running, the next steps would involve getting the Guardians out of her home; she didn't trust that someone wouldn't say something, and they'd seemed to have partially forgotten about her children, or at least were keeping their thoughts to themselves.

She rounded the corner to where they'd left Jack, to the hallway that she'd seen him go into, when she heard voices. Jack and Melinoe's.

"She's protective over me and my sisters." Mel said.

"I'd bet that, she didn't want us to know that you girls even existed because she didn't trust us. I wonder why."

"I think it's because of who my father is."

"Why? Who's your father?"

Silence. What? Lorelai thought to herself.

"You don't have to tell me, I'm just curious. You can trust me when I say that I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to." Jack spoke again.

"You won't think anything about me if I tell you? Or of my mother?" Mel asked Jack.

Lorelai began to climb the stairs. She knows? How could she know?

"No, whoever your parents are doesn't make who you are." Jack replied.

"It kinda does. You know, DNA and all that."

"You know what I mean."

"Okay. Well, I may be wrong. My mother never told me who my father is. She doesn't even know that I think I might know. This is mainly just my thoughts, plus it makes sense because of likely times. You'd have to ask her to be sure though. But I'm pretty sure that he is."

Lorelai reached the top of the stairs, to the sight of Mel, her magic mask off, and Jack sitting against a wall, book in Mel's lap. Jack was leaning over to look at it, shock on his face. Lorelai grabbed the railing to stop her from falling.

He looked up. The look on his face told her that he knew, that Mel had been right. Pitch Black? It screamed to her.

You know. You know one of my deepest darkest secrets. was all that she could think.


Melinoe looked up, to see her mother standing there. "Um, I think that I'm gonna go find Nyx and Hecate. Bye Jack, it was nice to meet you." she said getting up, grabbing her book. She walked backwards, into the shadows.

Smart move kid. He thought. Though this might be the last time you see me, I think your mom's gonna kill me for knowing this.

Lorelai moved past him to the first door in the hallway. She opened it, he followed her into the room.

"Lorelai-" Jack began. He paused, sighed, unable to think of what to say next. Lorelai had tried to fix her face to show no emotion like always, but her guard was slipping. Her face showed something, though he wasn't sure what.

"Lorelai, is it true, is Melinoe right?" he asked her.

"Yes, it's true. Pitch Black is her father." she replied, looking at the ground.

"How? What?" he muttered, pulling at his hair.

"Because... at one point, I was his wife." Lorelai looked him in the eyes while she spoke. Her face looked nothing like the one he'd seen her always wear, strong, emotionless. No, her face now was open and reminiscent, and emotional. He wasn't sure if she still had her way to command a crowd just by speaking, or had lost that as well.


"It's a long story."

"I'm listening."

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