Chapter 1

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I walked into the old broken-down house and into the room where Derek sat on a couch reading a book, looking up at me when I wordlessly snatched it out of his hands.

    "What was that for?" Derek asked.

    "I'm pissed. We've been here for weeks and we're still no closer to catching the Alpha that killed Laura then we were before!" I said and sat next to him, laying my legs over his and sighing.

    "Yeah, I know, Parker. But was taking the book from me really necessary?" Derek asked as he reached for the book.

    "Yes. It was the only way to get your attention." I said as I kept the book from his reach.

Derek sighed loudly. "You want something to do? Fine. We can't find the Alpha, but the sheriff's station reported of a missing girl matching the description of Laura. Go find her body and bring it back so we can bury her."

"At least I have something to do. You coming?" I asked as I got up, tossing the book onto the couch.

"No. It's a one-person job. I'll stay here in case the police decide to show up."

    "Fine. Just leave your little sister to wander the woods alone with a psycho Alpha on the loose. Great plan, Derek."

    "You can take care of yourself, Parker. Remember what happened to Keith?" Derek asked.

    "Yeah. I've had my fair share of bad exs. Why?"

    "If you could handle him for two years, you can handle anything. Call me if you find anything." he answered with a smile.

    I smiled and shrugged. "Maybe. Don't die while I'm gone."

    "You going to stay over at where our uncle is again tonight? Or what?" Derek asked.

    "I'll figure it out." I said and walked out of the house, heading for the woods as the sun began to fade into a purplish-blue color.

    The further I walked through the Beacon Hills Preserve, the darker the woods became as the trees surrounded me on all sides, the sky darkening into an almost pitch-black to where I had to use my yellow werewolf eyes to guide me through the dark and not trip.

    I heard a car door slammed and I ducked behind a tree, peeking out to see two teenage boys heading away from an old blue Jeep.

    "Are we seriously doing this?" the one with longer hair asked the one with buzzed hair.

    "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." the other one said as he turned on a flashlight.

    "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." the first one replied as the two boys walked into the preserve, with me following closely behind in the cover of the trees.

    "Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort."

    "No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." the one said, which lead me to believe they were from Beach Hills High which was known for their sport of lacrosse.

    "Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."

    "Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?"

    "Huh! Hadn't thought about that." the one with the flashlight said.

    "And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?"

    "Also something I didn't think about."

    "It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail, Stiles." the boy said as they climbed a leaf covered hill.

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