Chapter 42

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I woke up in the middle of the night, stretching my hand out beside me and meeting empty air. Opening my eyes and sitting up, looking around the room.

    "Stiles?" I called out.

    No response.

    "Stiles?" I called out again as I walked out of the room and around the house. "Noah?" I walked into the kitchen, seeing a sticky note stuck on the refrigerator door; taking it down, I read it.

                Hey, kiddos. Had an emergency come up at work. Had to go in. There's money on the table for breakfast in case if I don't get back by morning.

I tossed the note onto the table and called out Stiles' name once again, still being met with silence. Heading into the living room, I took a seat on the couch, debating if I should call Scott, or Noah.

    I eventually decided to just head out of the house and walk to Scott's house after I pulled on one of Stiles' thick flannels, heading out and climbing up the terrace, up to Scott's room and knocking on the window.

    Scott opened it up, looking very confused to see me. "Parker?"

    "Hey," I climbed through the window, landing inside his room. "Have you seen Stiles?"

    "No. I got a call from him, but I just assumed he had another nightmare and you were with him." he answered.

    "He's obviously not. He wasn't in bed when I woke up." I told him, gnawing on the inside of my cheek. "I'm worried, Scott. He just hasn't been the same since the hospital two days ago."

    "Why? What's different?" he asked.

    "Well, for one, he's been looking like death. And two, he's more....bold."

    "Bold? What do you mean—" he looked at me face. "Ooooh. Gotcha. Bold. But, wait. You two...still haven't?"

    I shook my head. "Not yet."

He nodded. "Okay. Okay—"

"Why does our love life apply to what's going on now? We should be focused on trying to find him." I said.

"Right. Right right right. Isaac! Isaac, get up! We need your help!" Scott shouted.

Isaac ran into the room a second later, looking startled to see me there, but quickly recovered. "What? What's wrong?"

"It's Stiles. Get dressed." I said.

"What's wrong with Stiles?" Isaac asked.

"...we don't know." Scott answered.

    Scott's phone rang in his hand and he picked it up. Hey, Stiles—"

    I grabbed the phone from him. "Stiles? Are you okay? Do I need to kill someone? I have all the supplies we need to bury a body."

    Scott took the phone back and put it on speaker.

   "Did you call him? Did you call my dad?

    "No, just Isaac and Parker. We're coming to find you. Can you figure out where you are? Try to find something and tell us where to look." Scott answered.

    "It's a basement...I think-I think I'm in some kind of basement..."

    "In a house?" I asked.

    "No, it looks bigger—like, industrial. I think there's a furnace. But it's cold. It's freezing down here. I gotta turn the-I gotta turn the phone off, Scott. It's going to die.

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