Chapter 13

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Stiles and I had gotten to the hospital early Monday morning to check up on Lydia, being met my Melissa.

    "Hey, you two. Back again?" Melissa asked us as we walked down the halls to where she was staying.

    "Yeah. We're just checking to see if she's feeling better." I nodded.

    "Well, I can tell you that Lydia is doing great. But it's really thoughtful for you two to have come here over your weekend." Melissa told us.

    Stiles put a hand on my arm. "Hey, Parker, want anything from the vending machine?"

    "I'm good." I shrugged.

    He nodded. "Okay. I'll get two bags of MnM's." he said and walked off towards the vending machine.

    I smiled at him as he went and looked back to see Melissa smiling at me. "What?"

    "Oh, come on. It is so obvious he likes you." she said to me as we sat down in the chairs across from her room.

    "He does not like me like that. He's still in love with Lydia." I told her.

    "Uh-huh...when was the last time he actually talked about her like a love-struck teen?"

    "Last night." I answered her question.

    She went silent for a while, then began again. "Do you like him?"

    "What? I mean—yeah. Obviously."

    "Then why don't you tell him that?" she asked me.

    "I don't want to. I've had that whole 'boyfriend experience' once before, I don't want that again. He broke up with me, and I don't want to feel that again." I told her.

    She listened to me, nodding in understanding. "Stiles will be different, Parker. I've known him a long time to know that when he loves something, he will devote everything he has to it."

    A loud bang was heard in the hall and we jumped up, rushing towards the sound and finding Stiles looking at a fallen down vending machine.

    I smiled and walked over to him. "Did it get stuck?"

   "Mine did. Here." he handed me a bag of MnM's and sighed. "Vending machines hate me."

    "Don't worry. I'll share with you." I said to him, making him smile.

    A loud scream echoed throughout the halls and we looked towards Lydia's room, seeing Melissa rushing in, the two of us following and finding her in the bathroom.

    "Where's Lydia?" I asked when I saw she was nowhere in the bathroom.

    "Parker. I might have an answer to that one." Stiles answered me, pointing towards an open window.

    I looked around the bathroom again and saw her hospital gown laid discarded on the soft rug. "Um, Melissa?"

    She looked back at me after shutting the water off, seeing me holding Lydia's gown in my hands. "Oh dear..."

    "What? What is it?" Stiles asked curiously.

    "I need to tell the sheriff." Melissa said, walking out of the bathroom as Stiles and I followed.

    "What happened?" Stiles whispered to me.

    "Looks like she left the hospital. Clothing optional." I answered him.

    The sheriff's department arrived a few hours later, and Stiles and I peered around the corner, seeing Melissa talking to the sheriff.

    "Naked? As in nude?" the sheriff asked.

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