Chapter 30

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"...I've seen worse." Scott said as we all got out of the bus, looking at a run-down motel.

    "Where have you seen worse?" I asked.

    "Listen up! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves! You'll be pairing up—choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Coach yelled as we each took a motel key.

    Stiles had gone with Scott, Allison had paired up with Lydia, Boyd went with another introverted students, and so went with Isaac.

    Stiles walked up to me. "Hey. Want to come by the room later? We need to talk about something."

    "Oh no. Should I be prepared for the worst?"

    "No. Not unless you count talking about the history of this motel. It's giving bad vibes, and I want to make sure you're safe from being ax murdered." he answered me.

    I smiled and patted his arm. "I'm sure I won't be as murdered, Stiles. But I'll come by later if it will make you feel better."

    "Great. hour?" he asked.


    He kissed my cheek and walked away to where Scott was, talking with Boyd and Isaac.

    Lydia looked at me with a dramatic sigh. "Oh, Parker. My sweet, lovely Parker."

    "What?" I asked, looking at Allison and seeing her also smiling.

    "You cannot read signals. Hello? Stiles wants you alone in his room to do "research"? Honey, I love you. But you need to learn how to read people." she said.

    "Lydia, for ten years of my life it was just me and Derek. The only "read" I ever had to learn was annoyance." I answered her.

    Lydia shrugged. "That may be true, but..." she trailed off, making me look at her in silence.

    "Lydia? Something the matter?" I asked.

    "I don't like this place." she said.

    "I don't think the people who own this place like this place. It's just for a night." Allison said.

    "A lot can happen in one night..." she answered softly, looking at me and making my heart beat faster out of terror.


"Isaac? You good?" I asked as a loud crash was heard in the bathroom.

He opened the door and poked his shampoo-filled head out of the door. "The hangers on the walls for towels are liars. I barely touched it, and it broke! I am not paying for that."

I laughed. "Don't worry about it, Isaac. Just finish your shower."

"Hey, are you still headed to Stiles and Scott's room?" he asked.

"I don't know. Why? Do you need me to stay here? Because I will if you want me to." I replied from my bed, looking through the drawers.

"Just—what're you doing?" he asked me.

"This place doesn't sit well with me. Now go finish your shower so I can take mine."

"Fine. Bossy."

"Shower hog." I shot back, making him laugh and close the bathroom door again.

My phone dinged with a text and I picked it up, seeing it was from Allison.

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