Chapter 37

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I woke up late that night—or early morning—to Stiles screaming. "Stiles!" I hugged him close as he struggled to calm down. "Shh. Shh, it's okay. It's okay, Stiles."

    Noah ran into his son's room bleary-eyes, seeing us. "Hey. Need help?"

    "We're okay. Go back to sleep. You have an early shift tomorrow." I told him, taking Stiles' hand and taking his anxiety and fear, slowing his heart rate to a steady beat, allowing him to doze off.

    "Something came up. I need to head into work now, actually. Will you be okay here?" Noah asked me.

    I nodded. "I'll be fine."

    He nodded. "Okay. know where the eggs—"

    "Yeah. I know where the eggs are," I nodded. "I'll make sure we get food. I'll make us supper tonight as well."

    "No. Parker, you're already keeping the town safe as well as taking care of us. Let us take care of you once and a while." Noah said, smiling. "I'll be back later."

I watched at he left down the hall, then looked down to see Stiles barely awake. "Hey. Hey, you okay?" I asked softly.

He nodded tiredly. "Thanks..."

"You need to sleep." I gently laid his head down on the pillow and pulled the covers over him, keeping my arm around his chest as he held my hand lightly in his, falling asleep instantly.

I listened to his steady heartbeat for a long time, making sure he was peacefully asleep, keeping my hand in his and leaning my forehead against the back of his neck.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but when I opened my eyes, Stiles was there, facing me with a little smile on his face.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" I asked him in a tired voice.

He nodded a little, tracing his thumb over the scars. "It helps me to know you're real. And it's not just another dream."

I smiled lightly. "You're not dreaming. If you were, I wouldn't have these." I said, tapping the scars on my face.

He took away my hand. "Hey, don't do that to yourself." he leaned his head down, kissing my scars and stroking my hair. "I love them."

"Are you all right?" I asked as we got out of bed.

He nodded, opening his closet and taking off his nighttime shirt, pulling on a white shirt and facing me. "I'm okay now."

"Are you ready for school?" I asked him as I found some of my old clothes in the top drawers of his clothes drawers.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good." he turned around to face the wall as I changed into my own clothes.

"You sure? You had me worried last night." I said as I walked to him.

He looked at me. "Parker, seriously, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare."

I hesitated for a while, then nodded. "Okay. I'll make us some breakfast." I kissed his cheek and headed out of his room, making my way into the kitchen.

    I got out a pan and the carton of eggs, turning on the stove and cracking some eggs into the pan, the smell of frying eggs filling the kitchen.

   Stiles walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a container of orange juice and taking down two cups from the cupboards and filling them.

    He put the container back in the fridge and placed the glasses on the table, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek. "Good morning, beautiful."

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