Chapter 7

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"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott shouted to Stiles as the doors slammed shut.

    "Do I look like I have a key?!" Stiles shouted back.

    "Then find something! Anything!" Scott shouted back.

    Stiles looked around, then looked out the window, seeing the bolt cutters lying on the grass.

    "No. Stiles. No." I shook my head at him.

    "I'll be back." he handed me the flashlight and opened the door, creeping out into the night and down the stairs, picking up the bolt cutters just at the Alpha appeared.

    "Stiles! Stiles!" I opened the door and shifted into a full wolf, running at the Alpha and jumping on its back, biting into its neck and having it howl, letting Stiles escape back into the school.

    The Alpha howled in anger and threw me off of him, making me fly into the doors, Stiles and Scott opening them and dragging me into the school before slamming them shut again and putting the bolt cutters through the handles.

    I shook bits of blood from my black pelt and padded to my locker, clawing at the locker to open it, finally looking at Scott.

    Scott got up and walked over, opening up my locker and grabbing me some spare clothes, having me take them in my mouth and walk into an empty classroom; shifting back and putting on the new clothes, walking back out to where the boys sat by the doors.

    "So you can turn full wolf? Like, actual wolf." Stiles asked.

    "Yeah. I don't go all wolf very often, but I do when it seems necessary." I answered him.

"Woah, hey, are you okay?" Stiles asked when he saw I had a cut on my forehead that was leaking blood.

"I'm fine. The more important question: do you really think those cutters will hold?" I asked the two.

"Probably not." Scott answered honestly.

"Okay. Okay. Let's find a place and hole up." I said and the three of us walked into the empty classroom as a faint howling was heard.

"The desk!" Scott said, pushing the desk towards the door.

"Wait wait wait! The desk isn't going to keep it out." Stiles said.

"I know."

"It's your boss." Stiles replied.

"What?" Scott asked.

"Your boss? Deaton, the Alpha. Murdering psycho werewolf." Stiles told him.

"No. It can't be." Scott shook his head.

"Oh, come on. Deaton disappears and then that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air?" Stiles looked at Scott. "that's not convenient timing?"

"It's not him." Scott said.

"Derek's dead." Stiles said.

"He can't be dead."

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't qualify as a minor injury!" Stiles snapped. "He's dead, and we're next."

"Okay! What do we do?" Scott asked.

"Get to my Jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job." Stiles said, walking towards the window with Scott, who tried to open the windows. "They won't open. They're climate-control."

"Then we break it." Scott suggested.

"Which will make a lot of noise." Stiles pointed out.

"Then...we run really fast." Scott suggested.

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