Chapter 8

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I headed downstairs and rubbed my eyes tiredly, yawning as I entered the kitchen, and stopping when I saw Stiles had made breakfast that wasn't burnt.

    "Um...what's this?" I asked when I saw the pile of pancakes on the table.

    Stiles turned around. "An apology breakfast for last night."

    "Stiles, for the last time, you don't need to keep on apologizing for that. It's over. Also, the back of your shirt's on fire." I said, seeing smoke rising from his shirt.

    "Ah!" Stiles danced around the kitchen and pulled his shirt off, stamping the fire out and sighing. "That was my favorite shirt."

    I walked to him and took his face in my hands, looking at him closely and frowning. "Are you hung-over?"

    "If I were hung-over, could I make you an omelet for breakfast?" Stiles asked.

     "You're definitely hung over." I backed away from him.

    "How do you know?"

    "Because you made pancakes for breakfast." I answered, making him look at the stack of pancakes.

    "Oh. Yeah."

    "Why were you drinking last night?" I asked as I sat at the table, serving myself some pancakes.

    "Because Scott got dumped. I was making him feel better."

    "Scott got dumped almost a week ago, Stiles. What was the real reason?" I asked him as we ate our breakfast.

    "Find. If you must know, I'm having a dilemma." he answered.


    "A girl dilemma. Which you should not ask about again."

    "Why not?" I asked.

    "Because I got a feeling that you won't like my problem." he answered.

    "I never like most of your problems, but I'm still here." I said.

    "Yeah, but I'm serious. You wouldn't like this because it has to do with Lydia."

    I looked at him, setting down my fork. "Lydia? And......another girl?"

    "Yes. I'm having trouble deciding which girl I like."

    "Let me know when you choose. But if you don't choose Lydia, I'll break your face." I said.

    "What if you know this other girl?"

    "I don't care. Lydia's my friend. You hurt her, I hurt you." I said, standing up and setting my empty plate in the sink before heading back up to the room to change.

    The sheriff had taken my shopping over the weekend and had gotten me a ton of new clothes, insisting he pay for everything even though I told him I could pay.

    Changing into black leggings and a white t-shirt, I did my hair and brushed my teeth as Stiles walked into the room and pulled on a new shirt and hoodie.

    "Ready to go to school?" Stiles asked as we grabbed our backpacks and started outside, getting into the Jeep.


    We drove to school in silence, finding a parking spot in the crowded lot, and getting out.

    "Hey! Stiles! Hey. I need to talk to you!" Scott shouted as he ran up to his friend just as Lydia ran up to me.

    "Parker! Parker, Parker! Come with me!" Lydia grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me away from the two boys, and to where Allison was standing just outside the school doors.

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