Chapter 27

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I sat back on Stiles' bed, still on the phone with Derek. "Are you sure you don't need my help with tracking down Cora and Boyd?"

    "We're sure. Scott, Isaac, and I got Argent to help us. It should be pretty easy now. Get some sleep, I'll be back tomorrow." Derek said, hanging up the phone.

    "You need to go and help?" Stiles asked as he sat down next to me.

    I took the phone from my ear and set it on the nightstand. "No. They got Argent's help now, so...they're fine."

    He nodded. "Well. You can stay here tonight, or head back to the loft. Whichever you want."

    I looked at him. "Isn't your father working tonight?"

    "Yeah, but it's fine. I've been alone here before. No big deal." he answered.

    "Yeah, no, I know. I just really don't like the thought of leaving you alone. Especially with what's happening." I said.

   "Then you can stay."

    I cleared my throat awkwardly. "We should probably talk about what happened earlier."


    "In economics." I answered.

    "Oh. That..yeah," Stiles chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Um...I don't want to rush this. At all. I-It's just that summer's been good. And I mean. I'd like—"

    I smiled and turned his face towards me, kissing him. "I want that too, Stiles. But right now with everything going on is probably not the best time."

    "Yeah—yeah, you're right. Another time." he said. "Preferably when there aren't bloodthirsty werewolves on the loose, and a whole pack of Alphas."

    "Don't forget the murders."

    "We can't forget that." Stiles said with a smile.

    I laid down on the bed and pulled him down next to me. "We've known each other for a few months, right?"

"6 months and 5 days." he nodded. "Why?"

I smiled softly and moved closer to him, settling my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "No reason. Just wanted to see if you remembered."

"Of course I remember," he said, kissing the top of my head. "It was the day I met you."

    My phone rang loudly on the nightstand and I picked it up, putting the phone on speaker.

    "Hey, Scott. You're on speaker. You got Boyd and Cora?" I asked.

    "Yeah. We got them locked in the boiler room. But...Derek heard another heartbeat inside, and he—"

    I hung up my phone and got off the bed, heading for the door. "Derek's going to get himself killed one of these day if he keeps this up. Stiles, stay here, I'll be back."

    He got up as well. "I'm coming with you. I'm not leaving you alone. Besides. You can't drive yet."


Stiles and I ran into the school, stopping suddenly as Isaac ran around the corner as well, almost running into me.

   "Isaac. What's happening?" I asked.

    "I need to get to Scott." he answered.

    "Isaac. The sun's up." Stiles pointed to the lightening windows.

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