Chapter 46

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Void pushed away from me, and turned to look towards where Sheriff Stilinski, Argent, Allison, and Derek all stood at the foot of the steps.

"Parker. What are you doing here?" Derek asked me sternly, his eyes flashing a blue.

"She's not your Parker anymore, Derek. She belongs to me now." Void brushed by hair from my cheek and kissed my cheek. "Isn't that right?"

Sheriff Stilinski got out handcuffs, catching our attention.

"You want to handcuff me?" Void asked.

"If my son is still here—if there's a part of him standing here in front of me—then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me. Because he knows I'm here to protect him, from himself and from others." Sheriff Stilinski said, moving to out the cuffs on him.

I put my hand on the Sheriff's shoulder, stopping him. "Touch him, I'll kill you."

"Derek." the Sheriff said.

Derek ran at me and pinned my arms behind my back, keeping me tightly pressed up against him as I trashed around while the Sheriff put the cuffs on Void's wrists.

"Let go of me!" I shouted.

"Not until you snap out of it, Parker!" he growled.

"'re not my son." Stilinski said.

Void smirked and snapped the cuffs in half, grabbing Derek by the shoulder and tossing him across the loft. "Nobody touches her. Nobody!"

A sharp click of a gun was heard and we saw Argent holding the gun up or us.

"Argent, listen to me! Don't do this!" the Sheriff said.

"Why not? I've done it before...werewolves, Berserkers...I can easily add a Nogitsune and his possessed pet to the list."

"You're not going to shoot my son, or Parker!"

"You said it yourself, Sheriff—that's not your son. Or the girl you knew."

The Sheriff got out his own gun, pointing it at Argent. "Put it down! Put it down!"

"Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me, Dad." Void said.

"Don't listen." Argent said to the Sheriff.

"Put it down! Now! Do it! Put it down!" he shouted.

"Pull the trigger! Come on!" Void shouted.

"Listen to me—you put the gun down now!Put the gun down, now!"

"Fine. You don't want me to shoot your son." Argent shifted the gun to me. "But I have no regret if I were to shoot her."

I laughed darkly. "Argent. You know that's a lie."

"Dad?" Allison asked her father. "What's she talking about?"

"Nothing." Argent answered, his gun still trained on me.

"Another lie." I stepped closer to him, close enough to tap my nails on the gun. "You think of her. You think of her constantly. I bet you're even thinking about her now."

"Dad, what is she—"


I looked to Allison. "Parker."

"Enough." Argent said, his eyes on me as I walked around him. "You're just a liar."

"Aw," I pouted and tutted, "honey, I don't lie. You're the one who's lying."

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