Chapter 4

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I crouched down next to my brother as we searched for the Alpha. "What is it?"

    Derek swiped his finger across the pavement and held his hand out, bright red blood. "The Alpha was shot."

    "Good for us."

    "Parker. Up there." Derek pointed to a building where the Alpha was looking at us before running onto the roof. "You go around the building on foot. Cut it off." he said and ran to the building, jumping onto the roof as I ran around the side of the building.

    Someone collided with me as I rounded the dark corner, knocking the both of us over onto the pavement.

    "Parker?" Scott asked in shock, scrambling up and helping me up as well, brushing me off. "What are you doing here?"

    "Derek and I are tracking the Alpha. Come with me. Quickly. We can't loose it." I grabbed his hand and pulled him along, hearing a loud shot ring out and Derek fall to the ground. "Derek!"

    "Are you okay?" Scott asked.

    "Oh, I'm great, Scott. How are you?" Derek answered, holding his shoulder in pain. "You two need to hide."

    A crunching sound was heard close and we looked up to see a head of blonde hair coming closer, Scott grabbing my arm as I helped Derek up, the three of us hiding of sight behind a building.

    The sound of a car pulled up and the familiar voice of Chris Argent spoke. "Get in."

    "Not even an, "hello, nice to see you?" the unfamiliar blonde said.

    "All I got at the moment is "please put the assault rifle away before someone notices." he answered.

    "That's the brother I love. Chris, there were two of them." the woman said.

    "The Alpha?" Chris asked.

    "I don't know. But one of them tried to kill me."

    "Well, one of them is going to lead us to the other. He can't do that if he's dead."

    "Well, I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first." the blonde said.

    "How long will it take?" Chris asked.

    "I'd give him 48 hours. If that." she answered and the sound of the doors closed, the car driving away.

    "Okay, let me see." I told my brother, letting him sit down on the pavement.

    "I'm fine, Parker." he said through gritted teeth.

    "Shut up and show me how bad it it. Scott, you need to head home. You have school tomorrow." I told him.

    "So do you." Scott pointed out.

    "I'll manage on a few minutes of sleep. I have before." I answered him and took Derek's arm, gingerly moving up his sleeve to see his wound glowing a faint blue and smoking. "Oh, shit. That doesn't look good."


I looked over at Scott in the next row to see him anxiously awaiting his US History test score.

    "Miss Hale. Good job." the teacher said as he handed my paper to me that had an 'A' over it.

    "Good job." Stiles said to me, giving me a thumbs up.

    "What'd you two get?" I asked the two as their papers were handed back to them.

    "I got an A. Scott?" Stiles asked his friend, looking at his score and making a face. "Dude. You need to study more."

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