Chapter 43

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Another sharp jolt ran through my body and I stiffened, my eyes flashing from white to hazel rapidly.

"Peter? Peter!" Derek shouted to our uncle, worry in his voice as he cared for me as I laid on the couch at the loft.

Peter came running around the corner quickly, kneeling down beside me and placing a damp cloth over my forehead. "Do you have any idea how this could have happened?" he asked Derek.

Derek shook his head. "The only thing I know is Isaac went down after he got electrocuted. And Parker said it feels like she's being zapped by electrical currents."

Peter looked at me, a deep frown on his face. "You bonded yourself to Isaac, didn't you?"

"Wait, what?" Derek looked worried. "Parker! That could kill you!"

"He was dying, Derek. I did what—" I spasmed again, grabbing onto my uncle's hand and squeezing tightly until the pain subsided. "I saved him."

"And now you might die because of it!" Derek said.

"Only if he does..." I answered.


"Derek," Peter got his nephew's attention. "Let's leave her to rest now. She needs her strength."

    I smiled at my brother and uncle as they left the room to head upstairs; laying back down on the couch, a ding from a text came from my phone.

    I picked it up and saw it was from Scott.

           Scott—8:15AM: Hey. How are you feeling?

          Me—8:15AM: Better than Isaac, but still bad.

         Scott—8:15AM: 😬😬😬 do you need me to skip school and be with you?

         Me—8:16AM: No, it's fine. Peter and Derek are taking care of me. You need to stay in school. Just tell me what happens when school's over. Okay?

         Scott—8:17AM: Okay. We'll be over after school.

         Me—8:17AM: also, just between us, could you keep me updated on Stiles?

         Scott—8:18AM: Noshiko wouldn't like that....

          Me—8:18AM: I don't care what Noshiko thinks. Just keep me updated, Scott. Please.😢

         Scott—8:19AM: Sure thing. I'll keep you updated.

         Me—8:20AM: Thank you!!!♥️♥️♥️

I shut my phone off and set it down, a sharp pinging going off in my ears. "Derek!"

    Derek ran down the steps and got to me. "What is it—ah!" he covered his ears. "An emitter? Seriously?" he ran around with his ears covered, finally digging out one of Argent's emitters.

    I struggled to sit up. "Let's go see him."

    "No. No. You're not well enough." he replied.

    "I'll be fine, Derek. It's not as bad as a few hours ago." I answered him, finally standing up. "But can I drive?"

    "No." he grabbed his car keys and the two of us went out of the loft.

    "Should I call Argent? Let him know we're coming over?" I asked as we got into his car.

    "No." he shook his head, and the two of us stayed silent until we got to the building and got into their apartment.

    I sat down in his office chair and leaned back, relaxing. "Take a load off, brother o' mine."

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