Chapter 2

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I closed the passenger's side door of Allison's car as she got out. The two of us walking up to the school and entering the building.

"Thanks for giving me a ride." I said to Allison as we found our lockers and put our books in.

"No problem. I'm surprised your brother didn't drive you, though."

"He had some stuff to do." I answered, shutting my locker and the two of us walked down the hall to our first class.

    "Gonna elaborate?" she asked once I stayed silent.


Scott came running down the hall in a hurry, grabbing onto my arm. "Parker! Are you coming to the lacrosse practice? I need help."

"Uh...sure. Allison, I'll meet up with you at the field in a second." I said to my friend.

"Okay." she smiled and walked down the hall towards the lacrosse field outside.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I need to learn how not to shift. Please. Please, please, help me. I'm playing the big game Saturday and—"

    "Woah, woah, slow down. I'll help you control your shifting, but you gotta learn that talking about this in school in the middle of the hallway is not the best place to discuss this." I told him.

    He nodded. "Okay. Okay. So, what's the first lesson?"

    "Not right now. Right now, we have school. I'll meet up with you after school at your house."

    "Okay. That works. Thanks, Parker."

    "Yeah. Now let's get to class before you're late to practice." I took his arm, and we walked past the teenagers in the hallway to get outside, seeing the lacrosse team had already gathered and was waiting patiently, Coach looking irked as always.

"McCall! Get over here!" Coach Finnstock shouted once he spotted us. "You can talk to your girlfriend later!"

"Coach, I can firmly tell you that Parker isn't Scott's girlfriend." Stiles told Coach, who blatantly ignored him.

"Scott, for now, focus on someone's voice. Something that calms you down. That's the key. Just get through this practice, and we'll continue this at your house. Okay?" I said to him.

Scott blew out a sigh and nodded. "Okay."

"Good. You got this, Scott." I patted his arm and walked to the stands where Lydia and Allison were sitting, talking.

"Hey, Parker. Allison was just telling me about you and that goofy boy with the buzzed head." Lydia said with a bright smile at me.

"You mean Stiles? Yeah, he's weird." I agreed as I sat next to the redhead.

"He definitely is. But what about romantically? You like him?" Lydia asked.

"Stiles? No." I shook my head.

"Why? I think you two would be really cute together." Allison said with a smile at me, leaning her chin against her palm.

"Me and relationships don't go well, Allison. Besides. I just want to survive high school without any boy drama." I replied.

"Bummer. If you got into a relationship, then we could go on double dates and go shopping. Plus there would be something to look forward to after Prom." Lydia said with a wink.

"You're asking the wrong girl for that. Ask Allison. She seems to have a thing for Scott." I said, having Allison stick out her tongue at me.

"McCall!" Coach's loud voice brought us out of our conversation, having us look and see Scott lying flat on his back in pain.

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