Chapter 29

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"I wish you didn't have to go to your stupid cross-country meet." I said as we laid on bed the next morning, closing my eyes and smiling as his arms pulled me closer to his side. "You should just stay here today."

    I could feel him smile, his hand rubbing over my arm. "I wish I could. But Coach would kill me if I ditched."

    I shrugged. "I'll put him in the hospital for today. Problem solved."


    I opened my eyes and looked at him, laughing. "I'm kidding. You know I'd never do that to Coach. Everyone loves that man."

    "Hm. Aside from when we hate him." he answered.

    "True. But even when we hate him, do we really hate him? Or are we just saying that we do?"

    "Shut up, it's too early for this." he silenced me but putting a finger on my lips. "Shh."

    I smiled softly and sat up, dragging a hand through my rats nest of morning hair. "Did you talk to your father?"

    He sat up next to me, rubbing a hand over my back. "I caught him before he left for work. He doesn't mind you staying here for a bit."

    "Really?" I looked at him.

    "Really. I guess he doesn't mind because he knows I'll find a way to see you anyways." he replied, kissing me gently.

    I smiled. "I look terrible. Literally, my hair is everywhere, and I really need to pee."

    He snorted with laughter. "Go to the bathroom, get washed up. I'll be making breakfast."

    I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom, used the toilet, then showered before brushing my hair out and heading back out into his room; dropping my towel and getting into one of his shirts as I pulled my dried leggings from yesterday back on.

    Walking down the hall, I turned into the kitchen to see Stiles with a spoon in his mouth, making red velvet pancakes with whipped cream sitting open on the counter along with a carton of blueberries.

    "I thought you were making your 'special'" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

    He turned around, taking the spoon from his mouth. "Change of plans. I'm making your favorite."

    "And does that include you eating all the whipped cream before I do, or is that just a personal preference?" I asked.

    "You can't blame me on that one." he said as he tossed the spoon into the sink. "Now sit down so I can make a proper romantic breakfast for my girlfriend."

    I smiled and kissed him before I took a seat at the table and leaned my chin on the palm of my hand. "You're going to put little fangs on it, aren't you?" I asked as he grabbed the can of whipped cream.

    "Of course I am." he answered with a smile back at me, taking the plate and setting it in front of me. "Bon appétit." he kissed the top of my head and went to open the door as someone knocked.

    "Hey, Scotty. What're you doing here?" Stiles asked.

    "Is Parker still here?" Scott asked.

    "Yeah. She's in the kitchen. Come on in."

    Scott and Stiles walked into the kitchen and I looked at them, stopping mid-bite and setting down my fork.

    "This better be one hell of an explanation, because if you made me put my breakfast on hold for a stupid reason, I'm going to take this butter knife and stab it into your throat." I said, picking up the butter knife.

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