Chapter 3

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The woods were quiet in the morning. The sky still streaked with pinks and blues, morning birds and chirping a sweet tune.

And then the loud roar of an engine ruined it.

"Get in! We're going to be late for school!" Lydia shouted from where she had parked her car, honking the horn.

I sighed and walked down the hill and got into her car, buckling my seatbelt and having the car drive back onto the road.

"I'm surprised you aren't at school already. Don't you usually go to see McCall and Stilinski practice?" Lydia asked as she applied some lip gloss.

"We got into a fight." I answered.

"Oh yeah. Right. How are you doing with that, by the way?" she asked.

"Great. I've always wanted to go to jail at 16." I answered.

"Hey. No need to be sarcastic with me." she said.

"I can't help what I say. Sarcasm is my default setting."

    Lydia smiled at me and we stopped at a red light. "Do you want to go bowling today with me and Jackson?"

    "Me and bowling? That's not a good combo. I'm awful at bowling." I shook my head. Maybe you can ask Allison and Scott. They seem to be a thing already."

    We went forward and turned onto the road by the school and entered the parking lot, grabbing our bags and getting out of her car.

    "Yeah. I mean, I love Allison, but it's been like, two days since she and Scott met and they're already a thing. Honestly, if anyone would be moving fast, I'd much rather it be you and that Stiles kid." Lydia answered as we walked into the school and went to our lockers close by each other.

    "I doubt that's ever going to happen now, Lydia. He and I aren't even on speaking terms." I answered, hearing the warning bell ring.

    "Time to get to math. Let's go." Lydia looped her arm through mine and dragged me into our shared math class with Allison and the boys.

    I took a seat across from Stiles and a few chairs up as Lydia sat in the chair next to me, Allison sitting behind Scott, as usual.

    "Hey, Hale. How was your night?" a copper-haired boy with bright green eyes asked. "Oh, that's right. You spent it in a cell."

    "Eugene, that's enough." Lydia said sternly.

    Eugene scoffed at Lydia and kept his eyes on me. "How did you get out? Did you let the prison guards touch you, you whor—"

    A fist slammed into his face and I jumped, looking back and seeing Stiles shaking his hand out in pain.

    "Dammit, that hurt." Stiles said softly to himself.

    "Stiles! Why'd you do that?" Scott asked his friend.

    Stiles looked back at Scott, as did me and Lydia. "What? Eugene was being a jerk to Parker. He deserved what he got."

    "You didn't have to punch him." I said for the first time, making Stiles look at me.

     "Of course I did. I'm not gonna just let people call you names." Stiles answered.

    "Stiles Stilinski to the principal's office. Stiles Stilinski." the PA announced over the loudspeakers.

    Stiles sighed and grabbed his bag, giving me one last look before heading out of the classroom just as the teacher came in.

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