Chapter 10

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We got back to the school just before the lacrosse game ended, and Stiles pulled me aside as Derek and our uncle went into the locker room.

"What?" I asked Stiles as he led me into the lot parking lot.

"I need to ask you something." Stiles said, turning to me. "It's important."

"Okay?" I nodded.

"It's about the winter formal."

"Yeah? What about it?" I asked him.

"Should I ask anyone? Because Lydia is totally not even going to recognize me. So should I just not go?" he asked me.

"No, you should go with someone." I answered.

"Like who?" he asked me.

"I don't know. But you should pick someone who wants to be with you. Let me know when you ask someone, okay? I want to help you shop for a suit to look all spiffy in." I said with a smile.

    Stiles smiled at me and nodded. "You'll be the first one I tell, Parker, don't worry. In the meantime, let's head back to the others."

    "Yeah. Let's head back before my uncle decides to kill Scott in front of Allison." I said, the two of us heading back and going into the almost-empty locker room, Scott, Derek, and Uncle Peter standing there talking.

    "I see you've met our uncle, Scott." I said to Scott as he turned to us.

    "Yeah. You have a crazy family, by the way."

    "I know. Uncle Peter, did you tell Scott yet?" I asked my uncle.

    "Not yet, Parker. I was waiting on you and Stiles." my uncle said, looking at Scott. "You seen, Scott, I have a little conflict of me own to resolve, Scott...but I need your help to do it."

    Scott looked at him and spoke firmly. "I'm not helping you kill people."

    "Well, I don't want to kill all of them—just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include...what's-her-face." our uncle replied.

    "Allison." Derek sighed.

    "You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?" Scott asked Derek.

    "It was a mistake." Derek answered.

    "And what about you? Do you feel the same?" Scott asked me.

    I looked at him, then my uncle and brother, then back to him. "They're my family, Scott."

    My uncle cleared his throat. "Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We just really want to help you reach your full potential."

    "By killing my friends?" Scott asked.

    "Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most." my uncle replied.

    "If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut-job like you, I'm okay with that." Scott answered him.

    He sighed and got out his claws. " could try and see things from my perspective..." he pushed his claws into the back of Scott's neck, taking them out and walking away.

    Scott gasped and fell into me, having me hold him up as his eyes went yellow.

    "Hey, what's happening? Is he going to be okay?" Stiles asked me.

    "Peter's showing him his memories about the fire at our house. He should be fine. Unless this paralyses him. Or kills him." I answered.

    "Wait, that's a thing?!" Stiles looked worried.

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