Chapter 28

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"Hey, Parker. Stiles. Time to get up." his father knocked on the door of his son's room. "I'm heading to work, so don't be late to school."

    Stiles groaned and sighed, kissing my cheek and rolled over onto the bed. "Got it, Dad. Have a good day."

    "You too, kids. See you. Get your butts to school." he said and his footsteps faded away.

    "He gone yet?" Stiles asked me.

    "Yeah," I sat up in the bed and dragged a hand over my hair. "I'm going to get dressed."

    "No. No, no, no," Stiles grabbed onto my hips and pulled me into his lap, kissing my lips. "Five more minutes."

    "Stiles. You need to get to school." I said with a smile.

    "What about you?" he asked with a little pout.

    "Derek pulled me out of school today so I can help with Cora's healing process." I answered.

    He sighed and kissed the corner of my mouth. "I'll see you after?"

    "'After', meaning to come back here and romance your girlfriend more. Or 'after' meaning helping to solve the human sacrifices?" I asked.

    He smiled and shrugged. "Either or."

    I smiled back. "Get to school."

    "I still got four minutes to 'romance' my girlfriend, as you put it." he answered and slid his hands up my sides, placing a light kiss on my neck.

    My phone rang loudly on the nightstand and Stiles sighed, leaning over and picking up my phone, handing it to me and laying back on the bed, his arms tucked under his head as he smiled up at me.

    I answered my phone. "Hey, Derek."

    "Hey, Parker. You coming over soon? Cora's beginning to be a lot to handle with just me." he said.

    "Yeah. I'm on my way—" I bit the inside of my cheek as Stiles moved a hand up under my shirt, his thumb rubbing my side.

    "Tell Stiles to keep his hands to himself! I can practically hear that boy's thoughts. I don't like them." Derek snapped.

    "Calm down, Derek. I'll be over there soon—"

    Stiles sat up. "Three minutes, Sour Wolf." He said into the phone.


    "We're not going to do that. Derek. Calm down. See you at the loft." I said and hung up the phone, setting my phone on the nightstand and looking at Stiles. "You really need to stop provoking my brother."

    "But it's so fun." he answered with a smile, pulling me down on top of him and kissing me again. "Do you have to go to the loft? Because I'll gladly skip school if I can spend all day with you."

    "I have to, Stiles. But I'll see you after school." I told him, rolling off him and getting out of his bed.

    Stiles got up and pulled on a shirt, pushing my hair behind my ear and kissing my cheek. "Keep the shirt. It looks good on you."


I walked down the steps into the loft to see Derek looking at Cora with a frown as she worked out. "Hey."

    "Hey," he greeted me. "Stop. You're not done healing."

    "Yeah? Well, I'm done lying around." Cora answered.

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