Chapter 15

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"All right, next two! Stilinski, Erica, let's go! The wall." Coach said as we all stood on the mat of the gym

"Hey, Erica. You got this. Okay?" I told my friend, having her nod a little and walk up to the climbing wall and put on the harness, starting to climb as Stiles got his harness on.

I looked up at the climbing wall and saw Erica starting to breath shakily, looking at Coach. "Coach! Hey. Something's up with Erica."

"Erica? Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asked up to Erica.

Lydia looked confused for a second, then looked at Coach. "Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out."

"Erica...are you okay?" I asked up to her.

    Erica replied shakily. "I'm fine.""

    "Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know, she's epileptic." Allison pointed out to Coach.

    "Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff???" he asked, frustrated. "Erica, y-you're fine. Just-just kick off from the wall. Th-there's a mat to catch you. Come on." he waited until she was on the ground. "See? You're fine. You're on the ground. You're all right. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine. Okay, um, that's enough for today. Go get changed!"

    Allison looped her arm through mine and I walked out towards the girls' locker room with Lydia and Allison.

    I got out of my gym clothes and back into my normal ones, looking towards the door and back at Lydia as all the other girls filed into the room. "Hey, Lydia, have you seen Erica come in here?"

    "No. Why?" she asked me.

    A bang was heard and shrieks from many girls were heard, Stiles running around the corner with his eyes closed, slamming face-first into a locker.

    "Stiles. Dude. What the hell are you doing in the girls' locker room?" I asked as I helped him up, moving his hand away from his eyes.

    "Outside. Gym. Erica." he said, grabbing onto my hand and running us out into the gym as the boys all ran into the gym as well; Scott ran forward and caught Erica as she fell from the wall, seizing.

    Allison ran to us as well. "Put her on her side! Put her on her side! How'd you know?" she asked Scott.

    Scott looked at Allison. "I just felt it."


"Could it be any colder in here?" Lydia asked as she shivered on the bleachers, tying one of her ice skates to her feet as she sat next to Stiles.

Boyd had gotten us the keys to the ice skating rink earlier that day in exchange for fifty bucks.

Stiles pulled out an orange shirt. "Here."

"...I'm wearing blue. Orange and blue? Not a good combination." Lydia pointed out.

I looked over at the two as I watched them, leaning my elbows against the glass of the rink.

"But it's the colors of the Mets..." Stiles answered her, sighing and putting the extra shirt away. "Okay, um, maybe orange and blue is not the best, right, you, sometimes, there's other things you wouldn't think would be a good combination, end up turning out to be, like, a perfect combination. You know? Like, two people together...who nobody ever thought would be together ever..."

Lydia thought about it for a minute. "No, I can see that."

Stiles looked shocked. "You can?"

She nodded. "Yeah. They're cute together."

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