Chapter 5

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Stiles shook me awake in the early morning, making me grumpier than I had already been before.

"Dude. It's not even light out. Why am I awake?" I asked him as I groggily sat up and stretched.

"Do you want to go out?" he asked.

Now, I was wide awake. "I'm sorry?"

"Want to go out?" he repeated. "My dad is taking us to get fast food."

"Oh. Wait. Isn't your dad gonna be on duty?" I asked as I stood up.

"Yeah. But he'll take us if we don't cause trouble." he answered.

"I'm surprised he takes you anywhere then." I said to him.

He smiled and went through his closet, finding a fleece-lined yellow flannel and tossing it to me. "It's chilly out right now. Don't want you to get cold."

I put the flannel on over the already-long shirt he had lent me, and stood up. "I'm a werewolf. We don't get cold easily."

"I know. But just to be safe. Besides," he answered, smiling as he got a jacket on. "I like seeing you in my clothes."

"You have absolutely no filter, Stilinski." I scoffed lightly and threw a pillow at his head, which he caught, and looked at me before tossing it back, a smile still on his face.

"Nice try, Rambo."


    "Rambo. A term for a violent person. And you, are a very violent person." he answered as we walked down the stairs.

    "Couldn't I have a different nickname? Maybe something less destructive?" I asked.

    "I guess I could settle on princess."

    "Really?" I sighed. "Something other than that."

    "Nope. I'm set on princess," he looked at me. "It suits you."

    "No, it doesn't." I denied.

    "Say what you will. I say it does. And you're stuck with it until I die. Deal with it." he said as he stuck his tongue out at me, making me smile.

    Sheriff Stilinski opened up the passenger's side door for me. "Stiles, you don't mind riding in the back, do you?"

    "Nope. I'll just hoard the food to myself then." Stiles joked.

    "You do that, I'll smother you in your sleep." I threatened.

    Stiles made a face as we got into the car. "Yup. You're definitely Derek's sister."

"Okay, you two. Get in the car." Sheriff Stilinski said with a smile, the three of us getting in the police car and driving off down the dark road.

"Where do you two want to go?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"I dont much care. As long as I get a burger and fries." I answered.

"Same." Stiles echoed.

His father nodded. "Okay."

    We drove into a drive-in and ordered our take-out food, then went back onto the road, finding an empty lot and pulling into it, parking.

    Stiles opened up the back door and opened the passenger's side door, climbing over me and sitting on the middle consol, handing us our food.

    "For you, milady." Stiles said as he handed me my food.

    Sheriff Stilinski looked at us with a smile, unwrapping his burger. "You two are cute."

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