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Chapter 7

    Xiao Shiqing raised his eyebrows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more thought-provoking.

    Seeing that he didn't respond, Zhao Qi added another sentence: "Brother Prime Minister?"

    Xiao Shiqing smiled, "I dare not want the emperor's younger brother."

    Zhao Qi was angry, "Then you still let me call you?"

    "I just said it casually ." When I asked, I don’t think the emperor would really be willing to bark.” Xiao Shiqing said, “It’s quite pleasant to bark.”

    “…” Zhao Qi was so angry that he couldn’t vent his anger on Xiao Shiqing. He twisted a piece of red bean cake, bit half of it in one bite, thinking to endure this wave first, and then go to brush up Xiao Shiqing's favorability.

    Xiao Shiqing watched him eat, and asked, "Is it delicious?"

    Zhao Qi nodded while holding the red bean cake, "It's delicious, do you want it?"

    "Do you want some wine?"

    Zhao Qi was startled, "What?"

    " Wine," Xiao Shiqing closed the notebook, "it just so happens that the minister is also tired, so let the emperor have a drink with the minister."

    Zhao Qi didn't think that he could drink together if he called Xiao Shiqing "brother" twice. He observed Xiao Shiqing's expression, and the other party looked at him with a half-smile, and there was a conspiracy at first sight.

    "The emperor is not willing?"

    Zhao Qi hesitated, "I..."

    "Isn't it necessary to be called a brother?" Xiao Shiqing said leisurely, "It is common for a younger brother to have a glass of wine with his elder brother. Or is it that the emperor is worried about ministers and Rong Rong?" Like Tang, poisoning wine?"

    "That's not true." Xiao Shiqing said that his death would bring a lot of trouble, Zhao Qi can be sure that Xiao Shiqing will not kill him for the time being. Since he didn't want his life, he had nothing to lose. "Prime Minister wants to drink, I just have to drink with Prime Minister." The

    eunuch served wine and side dishes, Xiao Shiqing asked everyone else to go down, and poured two glasses of wine with his own hands. "I respect the emperor for a cup, and may the dragon veins prosper and Dajing prosper."

    Zhao Qi forced a smile, "I wish the prime minister a long life and many children and grandchildren." He clinked glasses with Xiao Shiqing and took a sip of wine. I have to say that this wine is delicious, it has no spicy taste, it is fragrant but not colorful, and it has endless aftertaste.

    Xiao Shiqing looked at his amazing little eyes, and asked: "Is it good?"

    Zhao Qi nodded, "Yeah!"

    Xiao Shiqing smiled, "Then the emperor should drink more. This wine..." He played with the wine glass and said, "It's not easy to get drunk. "

    Zhao Qi has a mind, no matter how good the wine is, he doesn't dare to drink too much. But this wine has a lot of stamina, he only drank a small cup, and he started to float. At first he was able to stay awake, but gradually, his mind became a little chaotic, double images appeared in his vision, and Xiao Shiqing's voice seemed to come from another dimension.

    "Your Majesty."

    Zhao Qi opened his eyes dimly, "Prime Minister?"

    Xiao Shiqing's tone carried an irresistible force, "Tell me, are you Zhao Qi?"

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