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Chapter 46

    Under Xiao Shiqing's several schemes, even if Zhao Tong was not the murderer who poisoned the eldest prince of Xixia, he had to be. Xiao Shiqing wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, so he pushed Zhao Tong to Xixia to deal with. He didn't need to spend a single soldier, and he could stand on the right side, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. But now, Zhao Tong has also been poisoned by the same poison as Prince Xixia, and the suspicion has naturally been washed away.

    Chen Li is Xiao Shiqing's confidant and important minister, with extraordinary talent, he also reacted after the initial surprise, shook his head and sighed: "I never thought that Duke Huai would be so ruthless, isn't he afraid of an accidental death. Hearing what Chen Li said, Zhao Qi's IQ finally came online, "

    You mean, the poison of King Huai was given to him by himself?"

    Chen Li stroked his beard, "Please think about it, your majesty, even if we King Huai handed over to Xixia, will the ordinary people of Xixia believe it? If the subject is King Huai, he will definitely try to let Xixia know that the emperor and King Huai have always been at odds, and Xixia will think that the court wants to borrow the hand of Xixia Hurry up after getting rid of it."

    Zhao Qi felt that his hair would continue to fall out again, "Tomorrow is the seventh day, the Xixia envoys will definitely go to the palace to ask for an explanation, and there are Xixia troops on the border of Xizhou. Prime Minister, we What should we do?"

    "Your Majesty, don't worry," Xiao Shiqing said unhurriedly, "During today, Prince Huai will definitely find the 'real murderer' for us."

    Even Chen Li didn't understand Xiao Shiqing's words, and even more Don't talk about Zhao Qi. But he has confidence in Xiao Shiqing's IQ. Since Xiao Shiqing said so, he just needs to be patient and wait for the news.

    At noon, Duke Huai's mansion really came to report that the person who poisoned him had been caught.

    This person is a servant who serves Zhao Tong personally. Not long ago, he was punished by Zhao Tong in public for knocking over the teacup while serving tea.

    On the day of the Wanshou Festival palace banquet, this young man entered the palace with Zhao Tong. Seeing that Zhao Tong ordered two sobering teas, he took the opportunity to pour Fengguilu into the tea. Unexpectedly, Zhao Tong didn't drink the tea, so the maid sent the tea back intact. It happened that the eldest prince of Xixia was sobering up in the imperial garden. When he saw a court lady passing by carrying tea, he asked for one. As a result, the eldest prince of Xixia was poisoned and died.

    Afterwards, the young servant saw that Zhao Tong was safe and sound, and he became malicious again. He found a good opportunity in the palace and successfully poisoned him. After Zhao Tong was poisoned, the steward of the palace found the unused Fenggui Road in the servant's house, and under torture, the servant confessed everything.

    "When the prince was critically ill, he ordered me to take down the murderer and take him into the palace personally, but he was ordered by the emperor's prime minister." Xu Zijing, a guest of Prince Huai's mansion and Zhao Tong's staff, came here.

    Xiao Shiqing and Chen Li had never heard of this person before, but Zhao Qi often saw Xu Zijing's name in the original works. Xu Zijing was resourceful and far-sighted. After Zhao Tong raised his army, he respected him as a military adviser, in charge of the military talisman, and commanded the three armies. Without his help, it would have been at least ten years later that Zhao Tong wanted to take over the world.

    Xu Zijing was over 40 years old, and he stood in the palace with his hands behind his back, like a fairy, and it was the first time he met the emperor's powerful ministers. He was not afraid of danger and remained calm. Xiao Shiqing has always regarded others as worthless, and now he is looking at him with more interest.

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