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Chapter 87

    After lighting (extinguishing) the everlasting light, Zhao Xi said: "Brother, go back first, I have something to discuss with the Minister of Rites."

    Xiao Shiqing didn't ask what it was, but said: "Okay."

    Zhao Qi secretly winked at Jiang Dehai, " Lao Jiang, send the Prime Minister back." Jiang Dehai gave him an expression of "I understand", "Prime Minister please."

    Xiao Shiqing looked back at Zhao Qi and smiled, "Don't make me wait too long."

    Jiang Dehai held the Lanterns go ahead. Xiao Shiqing said: "This is not the way back to Yonghua Palace."

    Jiang Dehai said meaningfully: "The emperor only said to go back, but he didn't say where to go."

    "So where to go," Xiao Shiqing said with great interest, "Changle Palace "

    Jiang Dehai was unsteady and nearly fell down, "How does the prime minister know?"

    "I don't know what's going on in the palace."

    "..." That's right, that's Xiao Shiqing, not to mention the palace. The whole capital city and the whole world are under his control.

    Jiang Dehai smiled wryly and said: "The emperor has prepared for a long time just to give you a surprise, but now the emperor

    is depressed." Xiao Shiqing said: "It's easy to handle, I just pretend not to know."

    Changle Palace is the center of Empress Dajing. The palace is also the place where the emperor and empress got married and had festivities in the bridal chamber. Ever since the late Emperor died and Empress Wen became Empress Dowager Wen, the Changle Palace has been empty for decades.

    At the moment of Changle Palace, there are red lanterns and red curtains hanging at the gate of the palace, swaying in the night wind, exuding a warm and quiet twilight.

    Even though he knew everything Zhao Qi secretly prepared, when he saw the word "Happy" on the door, Xiao Shiqing's heart trembled and he felt soft.

    From the gate of the palace to the bedroom, there are red cotton carpets. Xiao Shiqing came to the "bridal chamber" along the carpet.

    In the bridal chamber, all eyes are filled with festive bright red. The red candles are burning high, the red curtains are hanging, and the bed is also covered with red quilts.

    Jiang Dehai presented a set of auspicious clothes, "Prime Minister, please change clothes."

    Xiao Shiqing was very aware of what his own baby thought was different from ordinary people, so that for a moment, he thought that what Zhao Qi had prepared for him was the queen's wedding dress.

    Fortunately, Zhao Qi didn't lose the chain at this critical moment. This is a simple yet precious wedding dress, with no excessive decoration except for the golden silk border. Xiao Shiqing had just changed when he heard Zhao Qi's voice from outside the door.

    "Huh—has the Prime Minister arrived? I'm a bit late." Zhao Xi originally wanted to take the path from Taimiao to Changle Palace, but he didn't expect to meet Mei Dai on the way. Mei Dai said that he received a letter from the Queen Mother of Dongying, saying that the Empress Dowager of Dongying had a man who was pregnant, and now it was time to employ her, so he was asked to return to Dongying as soon as possible.

    Zhao Qi was full of thoughts about the Changle Palace, and said absently: "Then you go back."

    Mei Dai asked: "Your Majesty, can I take my brother back with me?"

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