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Chapter 48

    He read "Dajing Wujiang" from the beginning to the end without missing a single word. This book tells the story of disputes in troubled times, heroes rising together, intrigues, and the winner is king. Even the emotional line is very vague, let alone the man Such a weird story about having a baby.

    Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck (a group of plants), there are male and female plots, the author did not clear mine, bad review!

    Thinking of this, Zhao Qi suddenly remembered something. Before he wore the book, he talked about "Da Jing Wu Boundless" with a young lady. The young lady asked him whether he was watching the cut version or the uncut version, and tried her best to convince him to watch the uncut version, because there were more emotional scenes, passionate scenes, and the beloved plot of giving birth and raising children.

    When he asked who gave birth to Zai Zai, the young lady had an inscrutable expression on her face and asked him to take a closer look.

    Zhao Qi didn't know why at the time, but now, he felt as if he had understood what Miss Sister meant.

    Could it be that what he watched was the cut version, but what he wore was the uncut version where men and women can have children? !

    God, earth, please take me away, I can't stand this kind of grievance!

    "Your Majesty, don't be angry," Cheng Boyan said, supporting Zhao Qi's arm, "otherwise, if the fetal gas moves, your majesty and the dragon species will be in danger."

    Hearing the word "fetal gas", Zhao Qi Xi's head was buzzing, he didn't catch his breath, and almost passed out again.

    Xiaosongzi brought tea in a hurry, "Your Majesty, drink a cup of tea to calm the shock."

    Cheng Boyan helped Zhao Qi calm down, Xiaosongzi fed him tea, and Jiang Dehai fanned him with a fan. After a lot of tossing, Zhao Qi managed to stay awake.

    "Ai Qing," Zhao Qi said with the last sliver of hope, "Do you think it's just symptoms and pulse that look like pregnancy, but actually I just have moisture."

    Cheng Boyan couldn't bear it: "Your Majesty, although my qualifications are low, but It ’s not about Ximai.”

    Zhao Qi said bitterly, “But don’t you think it’s unbelievable for a man to be pregnant?”

    "Returning to Your Majesty, this matter is indeed rare in the world, but it is not without precedent." Cheng Boyan said, "It was mentioned in "Journey to Dongying" that the imperial family of Dongying has a secret medicine that can make men..."

    "Enough, don't say it , "Zhao Qisheng has nothing to love, are the people in Dongying too idle? The development of this kind of medicine is simply harming others and oneself, and the law of nature will not tolerate it!

    Cheng Boyan: "Since Your Majesty knows the existence and efficacy of this medicine, why do you still take it?"

     "It must be, it must be!"   

     Zhao Qi wanted to cry, but he could understand giving him an aphrodisiac, but what does giving birth to a child mean?     "Investigate, we must find out the person who gave the drug!"

      Then he was arrested and smashed the egg with He Changzhou!  

      What, you said I decided not to open He Changzhou's eggs before? Sorry, I regret it. Who would have thought that He Changzhou, who would blush even if he asked for a hug, would have the ability to get into the soul!    

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