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Chapter 3

    Of course Rong Tang knew that Jiang Bao'er was acting on every occasion, but he didn't expect that the dog emperor could see it. He is wandering between life and death these days, and most of the time he is unconscious, but he can feel that the dog emperor seems to be different from before. It's still disgusting, but the way it's disgusting has changed.

    "Your Majesty knows a lot."

    "That's not true." Zhao Qi looked unpredictable, "I also know who gave you your sorghum."

    Surprised or not? Hurry up and show me a dumbfounded expression.

    Rong Tang's expression didn't change, he coughed lightly, and said, "I said, I did it alone."

    "No, no," Zhao Qi shook his finger, "You didn't bring anything with you when you entered the palace. , the eunuchs and maids in the palace must not have the guts to send you poison. Then where did you get your medicine?"

    Rong Tang: "Please continue, Your Majesty."

    "After thinking about it, I can give you poison, and there is a motive There is only one person who gave you the poison." Zhao Qi deliberately paused, trying to create a mysterious atmosphere, "My younger brother——Huai Wang Zhao Tong."

    Rong Tang's eyes dimmed, and Zhao Qi's gaze became more probing .

    Huai Wang Zhao Tong, the absolute protagonist of the book "Dajing Wujiang", the half-brother of Emperor Dog. Zhao Tong lived under the shadow of Emperor Dog and Empress Dowager Wen since he was a child. In order to save his life, he pretended to be stupid so as not to show it. He lied that he was as inhuman as Emperor Dog and could not have children. Empress Dowager Wen reluctantly kept him because of his old love One life, and gave him the most barren land in the north of Dajing as a fief. Zhao Qi hides his strength and bides his time in the northern border, wining people's hearts. When the time was right, he raised his troops to revolt and went all the way south, breaking into the imperial palace in the capital like a broken bamboo, and replaced the dog emperor.

    As the protagonist, Zhao Tong exudes his damn charm all the time. In "Dajing Wujiang", all the good-looking and talented men are subdued by him, and Rong Tang is one of them.

    Zhao Tong and Rong Tang have been friends since childhood, and they love each other as brothers. When Rong Tang was snatched into the palace by the dog emperor, Zhao Tong hadn't gone to the northern fiefdom yet. He could not kneel down in the Yonghua Palace, and begged the dog emperor to take back his order. The dog emperor is a real dog, not only ignored him, but also rewarded him with thirty court rods, and told him to roll away.

    Zhao Tong was wounded and left Beijing. Before leaving, he risked his life to meet Rong Tang. It was at this time that he gave Rong Tang the poison called what powder.

    Zhao Tong said: "Brother Rong, I know that letting you serve others with sex is more painful than killing you. But I hope you can wait until I come back. But, if you really can't bear it...you keep this medicine Let it go ."

    Rong Tang was very moved, and said, "I'll wait for you."

    Zhao Qi who saw this scene at that time:? ? ?

    I also don't understand the basic feelings of your ancients.

    Zhao Xi was full of confidence, "Looking at your reaction, I guessed it right."


    "Ah?" Zhao Xi was stunned, "Impossible!" That's what the book clearly said!

    Rong Tang said lightly: "Since the emperor has already confirmed it, why bother to ask me."

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