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Chapter 37

    Zhao Qi took the heavy wooden box and did not open it right away, but weighed it, "It seems to be a relatively small thing?"

    Xiao Shiqing was noncommittal.

    Zhao Qi opened the wooden box, and there was half a token in the shape of a crouching tiger inside. He was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth, "Could this be the legendary tiger talisman?"

    "Why do you say it's 'legendary'." Xiao Shiqing said, "Tiger talismans have been around since ancient times. Give it to the general, and the other half will be kept by the emperor. Only when two tigers fit together, the holder of the tiger talisman has the right to dispatch troops. For some reason, I have both halves of the tiger talisman in my hand, and now I return half of it to you. It can be regarded as returning to the original owner."

    Zhao Qi held half of the tiger talisman in his palm, and the bronze felt a little cold to the touch, which made him more and more sober, "The remaining half is still in the hands of brother?"

    "Not bad."

    This The birthday present was something Zhao Qi never expected. He thought that Xiao Shiqing would just give him a rare treasure, but he didn't expect him to give him... half of the country.

    Zhao Xi suddenly felt that the bronze in his hand weighed a thousand catties. Is Xiao Shiqing testing him, or is he really wanting to give him the Tiger Talisman?

    The last time Xiao Shiqing offered to let Zhao Qi be in charge, Zhao Qi was 100% sure that it was the former, but this time, he was not sure. After spending this period of time together, he could feel that Xiao Shiqing was really teaching him and assisting him. Regardless of Xiao Shiqing's private attitude towards him teasing the puppet, Zhao Qi wanted to send him a banner of "loyal minister and good general".

    Zhao Qi didn't respond for a long time, Xiao Shiqing seemed displeased, "The emperor doesn't seem to like my minister's gift."

    Zhao Qi scratched his head, "Brother's gift is too expensive."

    Xiao Shiqing said: "I just ask if you like it or not."

    Seeing Xiao Shiqing felt a little impatient, how dare Zhao Qi say he didn't like it. "I like it," he said hesitantly, "but does brother really want to return half of the military power to me?"

    Xiao Shiqing looked at him, "What exactly do you want to say?"

    Zhao Qi plucked up his courage and said, "Don't you regard me as a puppet emperor?"

    Xiao Shiqing's side fell silent.

    Zhao Xi was a little uneasy, "Brother?"

    Xiao Shiqing smiled suddenly, "Puppet? Things have come to this, and you still think I'm treating you as a puppet?"

    Zhao Qi blinked, "I'm not sure, so I asked my brother. "

    Xiao Shiqing closed his eyes, as if he was very angry with him, "Yes, I treat you as a puppet. I waste time on a puppet because I have too much leisure every day; I think it is not justifiable to hold military power alone If things don’t go well, half of the military power will be given to you as a puppet—is the answer satisfactory to the emperor?”

    Zhao Xi can see that Xiao Shiqing is angry, but he doesn’t know why he is angry, it’s really hard to guess what this person is thinking.

    "I...satisfied?" Facing Xiao Shiqing's knife-like gaze, Zhao Qi quickly changed his words, "I'm not satisfied, I'm not satisfied!"

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