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Chapter 24

    On the second day, Li Chisu really entered the palace. What Zhao Qi didn't expect was that he was accompanied by the long-awaited protagonist of the original book——Zhao Tong.

    It is said that Zhao Tong arrived in the capital early this morning, and went straight into the palace without even drinking his saliva. He ran into Li Chisu at the gate of the palace, and the two of them asked for an interview together.

    After Xiao Shiqing heard about it, he pointed out: "It's really a coincidence that they met."

    Zhao Qi asked: "The prime minister's brother means that they got together on purpose?"

    Xiao Shiqing: "Prince Huai is probably worried that he will enter the palace alone. You and the queen mother will make things difficult for me, so I waited for King Zhaonan to enter the palace together. With King Zhaonan here, your attention to him will naturally be limited."

    This is indeed like Zhao Tong's style of doing things, think twice before acting, and think twice.

    An eunuch came to report: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister. King Huai and King Zhaonan are paying their respects to the Empress Dowager at the Ci'an Palace. The Empress Dowager is going to host a banquet in Ci'an Palace to welcome the two princes. Please invite the Emperor and the Prime Minister to attend the banquet together."

    Xiao Shiqing used Pushing Zhao Qi's back with his hands, "Let's go."

    "Brother Prime Minister, go first," Zhao Xi said, "I still have something to do."

    "What's the matter?"

    Zhao Xi was a little embarrassed, "Brother forgot, Li Chi Su, he met me in Chunfeng Pavilion."

    Xiao Shiqing: "..."

    "Although there are some differences before and after I put on makeup, just in case, it's better to pretend."

    Xiao Shiqing looked at him, "How do you want to pretend? ?”

    In Ci’an Palace, Li Chisu presented the gift he brought from Nanzhou to Empress Dowager Wen—ten pots of peonies with rare colors and unique shapes.

    "The color of this flower is really beautiful," said Empress Dowager Wen with a smile. "It's colorful. Ai's family has never seen a bean-green peony before."

    Li Chisu said with a smile: "I heard my father said that when the queen mother is free I like to display flowers and plants, so it took several years to find these ten pots of peonies."

    Empress Dowager Wen nodded: "King Zhaonan is bothering you." When the

    two were talking, Zhao Tong stood quietly on one side, always with a generous and decent smile on his face.

    Yunxiu stepped forward and said: "Queen Dowager, the emperor and the prime minister are here."

    Empress Dowager Wen looked at Li Chisu, "It can be regarded as waiting for them."

    Zhao Qi walked into the hall, and saw two men standing behind Empress Dowager Wen— ——One is Li Chisu whom he has seen, the dark green dragon robe worn on him does not look solemn and abstinent at all, on the contrary, it is full of elegance and demeanor; and the other is Zhao Xi's old enemy, Zhao Tong.

    As the protagonist of the original book, Zhao Tong's appearance must be online. His facial features are handsome, gentle and elegant, which makes people feel good. No wonder he can conquer so many people's hearts.

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