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Chapter 72

    After Zhao Qi opened his eyes, he was in a daze for a long time before he remembered where he was now.

    Although it is summer, the morning in the village is still a bit chilly, but the bed is warm. Zhao Qi turned his head stiffly and looked at the pillow—very well, there was no one, it seemed that everything last night was a dream.


    This time he had no aphrodisiac, nor was he drunk, he clearly remembered every detail of last night, remembering Xiao Shiqing's hand from slightly cold to warm, remembering that he was trembling slightly in his arms, desperately trying not to let out voice, even remembering how he… got so pissed off.

    Zhao Xi covered his face with the quilt, feeling that his three views had been subverted. He doesn't read much, but no boy would get angry, it's unscientific!

    At this time, the dragon egg in his stomach kicked under his belly, as if to remind him of something, Zhao Qi was completely wilted.

    Well, even men can conceive and have children, and talk about ghost science.

    Fortunately, Xiao Shiqing did not make it to the end, leaving him with the last bit of dignity as a straight man (?).

    "Are you awake?"

    Hearing this voice, Zhao Qi buried his face even deeper, "...um."

    Xiao Shiqing said, "Then get up and eat."

    Zhao Qi didn't say a word.

    Xiao Shiqing walked to the bed, pulled off the quilt in his hand, "You want to suffocate yourself."

    Zhao Qi raised his head, met Xiao Shiqing's deep eyes, and quickly looked away, "I'm not hungry."

    Xiao Shiqing refused to comment , "Eat even if you're not hungry."

    "I don't want to get up."

    Xiao Shiqing didn't force him any more, and brought the rotten millet porridge, tasted it first and handed it to Zhao Xi, "Come.

    " Pushing away Xiao Shiqing's hand, "I said no."

    Xiao Shiqing's eyes sank, and the atmosphere between the two became tense, "What are you messing with?"

    "You..." Zhao Qi said shamefully, "You know that someone next door can hear what's going on here. You are still forcing me."

    Xiao Shiqing smiled, "Forcing? The emperor was in the hands of the minister last night, so it was very comfortable."

    "I am not feeling well at all!" This is a duplicity, but he is so happy , but this kind of semi-compulsive love is a bit hurtful to self-esteem. Especially when he was completely naked, Xiao Shiqing teased him with all his clothes, whispered obscenities in his ears, and forced him to look at those wet fingers... What a f*cking shit, It made him seem to be playing for fun even when he resisted.

    Xiao Shiqing narrowed his eyes, Zhao Qi thought he was going to get angry, and shrank back under the quilt vigilantly, but unexpectedly he smiled again, and said: "It is inevitable that you are not skilled in serving people for the first time, just practice more, next time the minister will meet you." Let the emperor be comfortable."

    Zhao Qi frightened: "Is there a next time?"

    "To make it easier for you to give birth in Japan, this matter should be done frequently." Xiao Shiqing thought for a while and said, "Once every three days, how about it?"

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