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Chapter 9

    Rong Tang didn't pay too much attention to this peach blossom, he only asked the maid beside him to fetch some water to raise the flower. Unexpectedly, on the second day, a new peach blossom appeared in front of his window.

    The court lady Jin Ning also found it strange, "Master, who do you think gave these peach blossoms?"

    Rong Tang held a scroll in his hand, without raising his head, "I don't know."

    Jin Ning carefully changed the water for the broken branches, and suddenly said: "Could it be the emperor?"

    Since Rongtang was forced into the palace, the emperor sent rewards to the drunken study every three days, most of which were gold, silver and jade, antique treasures, and some calligraphy and paintings by famous masters, rare books from the previous dynasty , each of which is worth a fortune. And although this peach blossom is beautiful and pleasing, it is worthless, not like something the emperor would give.

    Rong Tang said indifferently: "No."

    "That might be a maid from another palace," Jin Ning said with a smile, "Your Majesty is so good-looking, there are often ignorant little maids who come to Zuishuzhai to peek at you !"

    Rong Tang didn't say anything more. After nightfall, he did not go back to his room for a long time, but read a book in the study. The study room was facing his bedroom, and he could see the wind and grass outside the bedroom when he opened the window.

    When it was time to turn off the lights, all the maids and eunuchs had fallen asleep, a figure sneaked in from the side door of the Drunken Study, holding something in his hand, and went straight to his bedroom.

    Rong Tang: "..."

    Zhao Qi felt that as an emperor, going to his male favorite's bedroom was like being a thief, with a heartbeat of 180, it was really not easy. Fortunately, everything went well. He put the peach blossoms in front of the window, and before he could turn around, a voice sounded behind him: "Ahem——"


    Like a rabbit, Zhao Qi jumped on the wall in fright, Picking up the "weapon" casually, he turned around and pointed at the person behind him with a peach blossom branch, "Who?!"

    Rong Tang looked down at the tip of the petal, frowning slightly, "It's really you." Seeing the

    person clearly Afterwards, Zhao Qifei did not relax, but became more nervous. With a sullen face, he tried to be calm: "I was just passing by, and I didn't intend to ask you to sleep with me, so don't think too much about it."

    Rong Tang asked: "You gave me the peach blossoms from the past two days?"

    Zhao Qi hung down the peach blossom branches "...Hmm." It's just that he asked the eunuch to deliver the flowers two days ago. Today, he was served by Empress Dowager Wen in the Ci'an Palace. When he returned to the bedroom, he happened to pass by the Drunk Study Room, so he came to deliver the flowers himself, expressing that The sincerity of visiting patients.

    Rong Tang's eyes darkened slightly. The emperor sneaked into the drunk study so late, was it really just to give a peach blossom? Or, he wanted to play some tricks again.


    Zhao Qi: "Ah?"

    Rong Tang said calmly, "Why did you send me peach blossoms?"

    Zhao Qi scratched his head, "I just... hope you get better soon, just like this blooming peach blossom, full of vigor. "

    "Vigor..." There was a dead silence in Rong Tang's eyes, his vitality had completely dissipated the day he entered the harem, leaving only a body. He was born in a scholarly family, and he was a high school student in one fell swoop. He should have stood above the court, but now he is trapped in the red wall and high tiles like a woman, with the title of serving the king of Israel on his back. The Rong family couldn't raise their heads because of him in Beijing, and his father and uncle were ridiculed by his colleagues because of him. And all of this is thanks to the person in front of me.

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