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Chapter 79

    Shock and surprise came equally suddenly, Empress Dowager Wen's expression froze, the eyes and corners of her mouth were still full of joy, "Qi'er, can you say it again?"

    Zhao Qi felt that Queen Mother Wen should touch her and take a look. He said it was much more effective to speak out. He pursed his lips, like a child who did something wrong and was waiting to be scolded, and lifted the quilt covering his stomach.

    The seven-month-old belly of an ordinary pregnant woman caught off guard and blinded Empress Dowager Wen.

    Empress Dowager Wen has lived most of her life, and she has never been frightened like this, she was so frightened that her makeup almost fell off. She pointed at Zhao Qi's stomach, her fingertips trembling, "What is this?" Zhao     Qi

    blinked, "It's Mengmeng."

    Empress Dowager Wen: "...Who is Mengmeng?"

He gave a detailed answer: "It's the child of Zhen and the prime minister, and your granddaughter, Empress Dowager."

    Empress Dowager Wen's eyes darkened, and she passed out. The last thing I saw was the picture of Zhao Qi with a big belly, struggling to move towards her.

    "—Queen Mother!"

    Waking up again, seeing her son's face again, Empress Dowager Wen felt relieved, thinking that she must have had a nightmare just now.

    Zhao Qi's face was full of worry and guilt, and he smiled flatteringly: "Mother, you are awake."

    Empress Dowager Wen said "Yes", "Help the mother to get up."

    Zhao Qi helped her and said: "The imperial doctor said You were overly frightened and fainted for a while, there is no serious problem, but you have to rest with peace of mind, learn to control your emotions, and you can no longer get angry."

    Empress Dowager Wen was taken aback, her eyes gradually moved down from Zhao Qi's face, and she came to the The swollen lower abdomen, as if being scorched to the eyes, immediately closed his eyes and turned his head, muttering: "It's not a dream, it's real..."

    Zhao Qi hugged Empress Dowager Wen's shoulders, understanding it with reason and emotion: "Mother, Mengmeng is my child, your granddaughter, with Zhao's blood running down her body, it doesn't matter who conceived her and gave birth to her." "

    Empress Dowager Wen suddenly pushed Zhao Qi away, pointed at his nose, and said coldly: "What's going on, you should explain clearly to the Ai family."

    Zhao Qi explained honestly.

    Hearing the back, the remaining blood on Empress Dowager Wen's face disappeared, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's fine for Xiao Shiqing to get involved in Dajing's country, but he won't even let the emperor of Dajing go! Such a treacherous villain, the Ai family will definitely Cut his body into ten thousand pieces to vent out the hatred in my heart!" After

    such a fuss, and after telling the story for a long time, Zhao Qi was sleepy and tired, and yawned: "The night of the palace banquet was an accident. Responsibility. The action of sleeping is mutual, he slept with me, and vice versa, I slept with him."

    This statement was recently thought up by Zhao Qi, with the purpose of defending his dignity as a man. In the future, if the little princess asks himself how she came here, he can tell his daughter confidently, I slept with your father, so I have you.

    Empress Dowager Wen looked at Zhao Qi like a fool, "How could I have given birth to such a dishonest and shameless son like you, who happily lost money to others after being sold! Can't you see through Xiao Shiqing's conspiracy?"

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