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Chapter 22

    The young man in front of him was dressed in plain white without a crown, black hair hanging down his chest, eyebrows like distant mountains, eyes like peach blossoms, extremely romantic and handsome. Beside him was a fairy-like young lady who was slowly shaking a futon in her hand.

    Zhao Qi opened his mouth, wanting to speak, but then remembered that he was wearing women's clothing, which might reveal himself when he opened his mouth, so he closed his mouth again.

    The young man looked at him and said, "Huh? Why don't you speak."

    Because if I open my mouth, you might be scared to death.

    "Jiu Niang, do you recognize her?"

    The woman next to the young man sat up straight, looked Zhao Qi up and down, and said, "This girl is so fresh, could she be a newcomer?"

    A smile appeared on the young man's face, "That's right, I like it."

    Zhao Qi: "..." Don't like me, I don't have feelings, I'm older than you when I take it out.

    The woman was a little unconvinced, "Young master called me to accompany me these few days, and mother will definitely not send another girl. I am afraid that this person knows that the young master is generous, so he came to recommend the pillow mat."

    Zhao Qi: "..." I am not, I am No, don't talk nonsense.

    "Very good," the young man said with a bit of drunkenness, "I still need such a person next to my pillow." The

    woman took the young man's arm, "Doesn't the young master want Jiuniang?" The

    young man looked down at the woman, Stretching his arms around the woman's slender waist, "I want both you and her."

    This wave is okay, children make the choice, and of course adults want them all.

    "What's your name?" asked the young man.

    Zhao Qi hesitated for a while, then shook his head.

    "Could it be that you can't speak?"

    Pretending to be dumb is a way. Zhao Qi nodded.

    The woman covered her mouth with a futon and smiled softly: "Where did you come from dumb, you dare to serve Mr. Li."

    "Fresh." The young man was very interested, "Come here, baby, pour me a glass of wine."

    Zhao Qi stared at him. Even Xiao Shiqing never drank the wine he poured, so why should this person be.

    Also, who is your baby? Do I know you? Frivolous, pedantic, big pig's hooves, I'm talking about people like you.

    Seeing that Zhao Qi didn't respond, the young man raised his eyebrows and was about to speak, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

    "Master," said a mellow female voice, "Master Fang, who claims to be the captain of the capital, is asking to see you." The young man said     ,

    "Let him in."

A glass of wine was poured into the wine glass and passed to the young man.

    The young man laughed, and instead of taking the wine glass, he lowered his head and took a sip of the wine in Zhao Qi's hand. When he raised his head, his eyes fell on Zhao Qi's red lips, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "The smell on your body... "

    Before he could speak, the door of the private room opened, and the bearded man who had strangled Zhao Qiao away just now came in, bowed and cupped his hands to the man: "My lord, excuse me."

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