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Chapter 30

    Zhao Qi returned to the side room, and Zhao Qiao came up to meet him and handed him tea: "Your Majesty, how is the situation?"

    Zhao Qi took a big mouthful of tea and said, "It's done."

    Zhao Qiao was overjoyed: "Really?"

    "Of course it is ." Fake!" Zhao Qi squeezed the cup hard, "What kind of bad idea did you come up with, it's useless at all, and let me be molested by that apprentice for no reason!"

    Zhao Qiao said in surprise: "This, this It shouldn't be!"

    Zhao Qi took the veil handed over by the concubine, rubbed his face fiercely, and said while rubbing: "I shouldn't waste time coming to your house to listen to your nonsense."

    Zhao Qi Qiao shivered, "Your majesty, this minister didn't expect that, I really want to share the emperor's worries."

    "Then I really thank you." Zhao Xi shook the veil vigorously, "I have decided You don’t want to participate in my Longevity Festival, just continue to be grounded.”

    Zhao Qiao took a breath, “But your majesty, my ministers rushed back to the capital from the fiefdom just to celebrate the emperor’s birthday! Please also watch it For the sake of two bottles of sauvignon blanc, forgive me one more time!"

    Zhao Xili didn't want to talk to him, took off his makeup and changed into clothes, and finally gave Zhao Qiao a knife-like look, and left, no matter how Zhao Qiao wailed behind him Don't look back.     It was still early when we left the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Jiang Dehai

    asked: "Your Majesty, are we going back to the palace?"

    Zhao Qi suppressed his anger and said, "It's rare to come out once, let's go shopping again."

As the sound approached from far away, people on the street consciously gave way, and Zhao Qi followed the crowd to the side. Then, a group of teenagers on horses roared past, leaving behind a cloud of dust.

    A girl dressed as a lady stood beside Zhao Qi, her small face was hidden behind a cattail fan, and she said to her maid, "Looking at the attire of these people, they should be from the He family army."

    "Yes, Miss." The maid said with a smile, "Miss, did you see General He just now?"

    Hearing the words "General He", Zhao Qi slightly pricked up his ears.

    The girl's cheeks were pink, "I didn't look carefully, how would I know."

    "But Miss just now clearly saw that her eyes were straight—" the

    girl said coquettishly, "What are you talking about, be careful, I will hit you!"

    Zhao Xi couldn't help it Laughing out loud, the girl looked over, with some sullen eyes in Xingxing's eyes, and hurriedly led the servant girl away.

    Zhao Qi said to Jiang Dehai: "Unexpectedly, our Changzhou brother is quite popular."

    Jiang Dehai said cheerfully: "General He is young and promising, with a bright temper and good looks. Since ancient times, beauties love heroes. There are more than one or two girls who are greedy for him."

    "There is such a thing?" Zhao Qi smiled, "Aren't there more people who are greedy for Prime Minister Xiao?" Xiao Shiqing is powerful, handsome and expensive, so he should be more popular than He Changzhou. .

    Jiang Dehai said: "That's not true."


    "The Prime Minister is under one person and above ten thousand people. Even if an ordinary noble lady admires him, she would not dare to think about it. It's better to think about He Xiaojun to be more realistic. "

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