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Chapter 58

    He Changzhou used his actions to prove that he has no end. He was chattering non-stop in Zhao Xi's ear, and Zhao Xi never tired of it, but thanks to this, he didn't know whether it was seasickness, embarrassment, or Rongtang's discomfort.

    "No, why are you obsessed with the name 'Zhao Yun'?" Do you admire Changshan Zhao Zilong? There was a trace of

    fanaticism in He Changzhou's eyes, and he said, "Yes, my goal since I was a child is to become a hero like him."

    Zhao Qi said sullenly: "It's better not to be him. " "

    "Why?" "

    "If you are Zhao Zilong and I am your lord, wouldn't you become Liu Xuande, then my son..." Zhao Qi squinted at him, "Why, you also want Changbanpo to save the young lord seven times in and seven out?" . "

    He Changzhou said honestly: "I want to, but I'm afraid I don't have that chance. Moreover, the emperor's son is not some young master, but also my son.

    Zhao Qi covered his lips and said expressionlessly, "No, he's not. "

    Even though He Changzhou was gagged, he still said, "He can be. " "

    Zhao Qi was convinced. It was the first time he had met someone who was rushing to love being a father. He Changzhou was still too young and lacked the beatings from society.

    "Don't say this child will not be born, even if it is, You are at best a godfather. He Changzhou said: "

    Godfather is not bad, either?" "

    Zhao Xiyu said earnestly: "Changzhou, as men, it is a shame and a shame for us to raise sons for other men. You are my friend, I will not allow you to do this, you should die. He Changzhou thought for a while, "

    I think it's okay?" "

    " If you think it's useless, I think it's useful." "Zhao Qi said decisively, "I can't accept a prairie above my friend's head—not even the prairie I planted!" "

    He Changzhou didn't understand what Zhao Qi meant, "Grassland? "

    Zhao Qi waved his small hand and concluded his statement: "I've made up my mind, you don't need to persuade me anymore. Say one more word, and I'll throw you into the river to feed the fish."

    He Changzhou responded with a smile: "Okay, don't talk about this child Alright ."

    Zhao Qi nodded in satisfaction.

    "Let's talk about the next one."

    Zhao Qi: "???"

    "I know what I need to do to make the emperor conceive a child." He Changzhou looked forward to it, eager to try, "The emperor wants me to try?"

    "... Come on, throw He Changzhou into the river and feed the fish!"

    Then He Changzhou was thrown into the river—

    this is of course impossible. After summer, there was a series of heavy rains along the Huai River. The water level in the river was high and the water was turbulent. It really threw people into it.

    The second stop of the southern tour was Jiangxia, where the disaster was the worst. As soon as the dragon boat entered the territory of Jiangxia, it encountered a new round of heavy rain.

    The sky was gray and cloudy, and the day seemed like night. The heavy rain poured down, heavier than the day Yiping was beaten. The wind was howling, and the river was choppy. Even a dragon boat, which was several times larger than ordinary boats, could not keep stable in this environment.

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