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Chapter 25

    Zhao Xi was extremely excited. If he hadn't remembered his identity as the eavesdropper, he would have screamed out loud.

    In the original book, when Rong Tang learned that Zhao Tong was going to make a big deal, he nodded without hesitation, and said that he would do his best to help him. And now, Rong Tang said that he is willing to be his prisoner. Without contrast, there is no harm.

    Zhao Tong seemed to be far more frightened than Zhao Qi, "You, what are you talking about?"

    "I said, if you want to use this method to rescue me, I would rather stay in the palace."

    "Why?!" Shocked Afterwards, Zhao Tong was more disappointed and heartbroken about being betrayed. Rong Tang and him are close friends, Rong Tang is very clear about how he survived the humiliation and contempt of Empress Dowager Wen and Zhao Qi. He believed that Rong Tang's hatred for Zhao Qi would never be less than his. A year ago, on the eve of his departure from Beijing, he had a meeting with Rong Tang. At that time, Rong Tang said with hatred that he wished Zhao Qi could tear apart his bones and drink his blood. But now it's only been a year, why did he start protecting that dog emperor?

    Zhao Tong was born with the appearance of a modest gentleman. When he questioned someone, he always gave the other party a feeling that he owed him and failed him. However, there was no sense of guilt in Rong Tang's tone, "Dajing has been in power for a hundred years, and it is time to recuperate. If there is another war, it will be detrimental to the country and the people."

    Zhao Tong retorted: "Look at the current Dajing! The government is chaotic, the officials are unclear, the emperor is incompetent, and his relatives are dictatorial. Xiao Xiangquan is in power, and there are countless party members. If things go on like this, before the Zhao family makes a move, others will be ready to move."

    Rong Tang: "Who are the other people that the lord is talking about?"

    "Xiao Xiang in the capital, and a king with a different surname in the southwest."

    "If Xiao Shiqing wants to usurp power, why wait until now." Rong Tang said, "Although I don't know him well, But I believe that Xiao Shiqing enjoys the feeling of manipulating behind the scenes more than sitting on the dragon chair. As for the King Zhaonan you mentioned, he intends to protect himself, as long as the court does not cut down the vassal, he will definitely not have the heart of rebellion."

    After listening . Zhao Xi was quite surprised by what Rong Tang said. He didn't expect Rong Tang to be able to see the situation of the world so clearly when he was detained in the harem, he really deserves to be a Tan Hua Lang who was nominated for the gold list with his real talents.

    Zhao Tong said: "Okay, apart from Xiao Xiang and King Zhaonan, what about Zhao Qi?"

    Rong Tang's eyes flickered slightly, "He..."

    "Have you forgotten what absurd things he did? "Zhao Tong said in a deep voice, "If it wasn't for him, how could you have been trapped in the harem and ended up with the title of servant of Israel? How could your family be ridiculed in Beijing and have to go back to your hometown in Cangzhou?"

    Rong Tang He just said: "You don't have to remind me of these, I remember them all."

    "You remember?" Zhao Tong took a step forward, "You remember still defending him?"

    Rong Tang frowned slightly, and his face became unsightly. "He is no longer the former Zhao Qi, he is changing."

    "Changing?" Zhao Tong smiled, "It's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change the nature. Even if he really changes, what he did in the past can be regarded as a change." Haven't you?"

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