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Chapter 40

    Facing Li Chisu's sultry spring, Zhao Qi felt nothing in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

    "King Zhaonan doesn't seem to have good eyesight," Zhao Qi said with concern, "You can't see so many people behind me, do you want the imperial physician Xuan to show you?"

    Li Chisu was also teased. Not angry, he smiled and said: "That's not necessary, I'm afraid only the emperor can cure my minister's illness."

    Zhao Qi turned his face away and retched into the air. Seeing this, Jiayan asked: "Brother Huang, is the dragon's body unwell?"

    "Well, I'm a little sick." Zhao Qi jokingly said, "Jiayan, you go back to Xuchun Garden, I won't see you off."

    Jiayan He glanced at Li Chisu quickly, and said with some reluctance: "Yes."

    Li Chisu smiled and said, "Princess, go slowly."

    Li Chisu watched Jia Yan leave. Zhao Qi squinted at him, "Is Princess Jiayan pretty?"

    "Princess Jinzhiyuye, beautiful and beautiful, she is naturally a rare beauty."

    Zhao Qi snorted, "It's a pity, it's too late."

    Li Chi Su Dao: "Please show me your majesty."

    Zhao Qi gloated, "I suddenly found that Sister Jiayan is quite cute, and I don't want her to marry far away in Nanzhou, so I don't plan to betroth her to you."

    Haha, I didn't expect that ! At the beginning you ignored it, but now you can't afford it, I don't even give you the chance to chase your wife to the crematorium!

    Li Chisu suppressed a smile, and said with regret on his face: "Then what should I do. I also said last time that I must bring a princess back from the capital to Nanzhou this time."

    "It's so miserable, but Guan Zhen What's the matter."

    "I think, if I don't have a princess, it would be nice to have a princess."

    Zhao Xi's eyelids twitched, "Why are you still thinking about..." Zhao Xi swallowed the word "zhen" back in time, " Still thinking about the princess!"

    Li Chisu was extremely surprised, "How did the emperor know about this?"

    "..." Oops, he slipped his tongue. But experience told him not to panic when encountering such a thing, the more panicked the more his feet will be exposed. He collected himself, and said: "Listen to what my cousin Zhao Qiao said."

    Li Chisu said "Oh", "I heard that the emperor and Mr. Zhao Qiao have always been brothers. I think Mr. Zhao Qiao must know everything about the emperor. Say."

    Zhao Qi didn't dare to relax his vigilance, "That's not it."

    Li Chisu said with a smile: "Since this is the case, Mr. Zhao Qiao must have told the emperor that I have no regrets for Miss Zhao. In this life, it is not her. Don't marry."

    "..." Zhao Qi roared wildly in his heart: brother, no, uncle, can I call you uncle, please change someone to chase, and let the little mute girl be beautiful alone, okay?

    Li Chisu looked at Zhao Qi, who had an indescribable expression, and smiled even more in his eyes. "Your Majesty, do you think this minister and Miss Zhao are a good match?"

    Zhao Qi smiled, "Miss Zhao is a concubine and suffers from a mouth disease, so I'm afraid she is not good enough for the prince."

    Li Chisu said: "It's okay, I don’t despise her.”

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