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After confirming that she was pregnant with a second child, Zhao Qi was extremely shocked and angry, and turned into a "tyrant", clamoring for Mei Chuan to die, and in a fit of anger, he wanted to send troops to destroy Dongying.

At first, Cheng Boyan didn't believe that he was pregnant. Yes, he recently has a bad appetite, backache and lethargy, but thanks to Xiao Shiqing, his backache is normal, and occasionally he sleeps until noon. As for the poor appetite... who can always have a good appetite these days.

Therefore, when the word "pregnancy" came out of Cheng Boyan's mouth, Zhao Qi scolded with concern: "Is Aiqing joking with me? It's too nonsense, how can this kind of thing be used as a joke, hurry up and tell me Go back and read two medical books and calm down."

Xiao Shiqing who was standing by his side froze, and the worry just now remained on his face.

Cheng Boyan: "I don't dare, the emperor is indeed two months pregnant."

Xiao Shiqing squinted his eyes—two months, was it on the dragon boat, or the time he wrote the book together in the Hall of Qinzheng? Or the time in the rockery in the Imperial Garden...

Zhao Qi was categorical: "I don't believe it."

"The minister put it another way, the emperor has a dragon egg in his stomach."

Zhao Xi subconsciously put his hand on his stomach, looked at Cheng Boyan, Seeing his serious face, he didn't mean to be joking at all, and panicked.

"But, but, Mei Dai said that the effect of the medicine in my body is almost gone, and I won't get pregnant again."

Cheng Boyan was surprised, "Huh? But that's not what Mei Dai told me."

Zhao Qi: "?? ?”

“He said that the degree of drug residue in the body varies from person to person, some people will not be able to conceive again after giving birth to their first child, while some people can give birth to the second, third, and fourth... No one can say for sure, so after taking Sauvignon Blanc No. 2, if you don’t want to have children, you should take the contraceptive decoction like a woman.”

Zhao Qi broke open and struggled to death: “What the hell! What about Meidai If you dare to deceive the king, he must have lied to you!"

Xiao Shiqing recovered from the shock of the baby's second child, and said, "Mei Dai can't, Mei Chuan can."

Zhao Qi was stunned.

"Your Majesty, are you sure that it was Mei Dai, not Mei Chuan, who asked the question that day?" Looking at Zhao Qi who was almost collapsed, Xiao Shiqing felt distressed, and felt ridiculous, "Can the Emperor tell the difference between the two brothers' looks?"

Zhao Qi: ! ! !

"He's probably avenging his innocence."

"Mei Chuan!" Zhao Xi's eyes were burning with rage, "Bring me my soldier talisman and pass it on to He Changzhou. I'm going to send troops to Dongying tomorrow. Dongying turned over, and he would also smash his corpse into thousands of pieces—no, I can’t let him die too easily, I want him to stop completely, and regret it for the rest of his life!”

“This…” Jiang Dehai looked at Xiao Shiqing in embarrassment. Dajing and Dongying have just formed an alliance not long ago, is the emperor serious?

Xiao Shiqing said: "You all retreat."

"Why retreat?" Zhao Qi said angrily, "Stay here and bear my wrath! I will show you what is the emperor's anger that shakes Kyushu!"

Xiao Shiqing: "I just want to see it."

"No, I want the whole country to see it!"

Xiao Shiqing raised his eyebrows, "I'm going to start coaxing the emperor, is the emperor sure you want others to see?"

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