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Chapter 59

    In the darkness, Xiao Shiqing's eyes were deep and glowing.

    Just now, the movement under the little emperor's belly passed by in a flash, so slight that he could hardly feel it, but his intuition told him that it was not an illusion.

    Xiao Shiqing looked at his hand for a long time, covering Zhao Qi's lower abdomen again—the wind was calm, nothing was there.

    Xiao Shiqing's hand caressed Zhao Qi's waist, shoulders, legs and arms, and at the same time reconfirmed that the little emperor was not fat in other places, but also lost some weight, except for his stomach...

    An outrageous thought popped up again.

    The sleeping little emperor uttered an unknown raving, turned over, and returned to the posture facing him. At this time, a bolt of lightning pierced the dark night sky, instantly illuminating the inside of the ship as if it were daytime. After the lightning, the thunder was approaching, Xiao Shiqing restrained his mind, took the man into his arms, and covered the other's ears.

    It rained all night, and it hadn't stopped when Zhao Qi woke up the next day.

    Zhao Qi was dazed , looking at the handsome young man who was sitting beside the bed and getting dressed, he was dazed for a while before remembering that he and Xiao Shiqing shared the bed last night, and called out, "Brother Prime Minister?" They are all soft, like a newborn kitten.

    Xiao Shiqing was wearing a robe, before he could tie a crown, his long hair fell on his shoulders, more romantic and uninhibited than usual.

    Xiao Shiqing looked at him delicately, "Did you sleep well?"

    "Well, it's okay." Zhao Xi sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Where's Jiang Dehai?"

    Xiao Shiqing said, "I'll help you change your clothes."

    " Ah, how embarrassing it is." Zhao Xi said so, but still raised his arms so that Xiao Shiqing could help him get dressed.     When he was wearing the belt, Xiao Shiqing

    was behind him, and said casually, "The emperor's waist is thicker, isn't it?"

grown up! Cub, how can you be so cheating, do you want to grow so fast!

    "I've eaten a lot recently, and I'm really fat." Zhao Qi covered his stomach to prevent Xiao Shiqing from touching it, and forced a smile: "Don't bother brother, I can change my own clothes." I

    ate a little too much... Xiao Shiqing curled his lips coldly, little The emperor's appetite has not been very good for the past month. He could still eat when he was full before, but now he is full after only a few mouthfuls.

    But since the little emperor deliberately concealed it, he didn't want to expose it. He looked at Zhao Qi's stomach, and said lightly, "So that's how it is."

    "Your Majesty, Prime Minister," Jiang Dehai's voice sounded outside the door, "Do you want breakfast?"

    In order to prove that he was really fat, Zhao Qi I ate more on purpose. It just so happened that his nausea symptoms have improved in the past few days, his vomiting is not as exaggerated as before, and he can barely drink a bowl of porridge with sauerkraut.

    "Brother, look," Zhao Qi showed Xiao Shiqing the empty bowl, wanting to cover it up, "I drank a big bowl of porridge."

    Xiao Shiqing said, "You used to drink a bowl."

    "??? Brother Nonsense, I never ate so much before.”

    “Eat as much as you can,” Xiao Shiqing said, “Don’t force yourself.” In the

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